Swing 3D

Has anyone ever flown with the Swing 3D, or does anyone own one?
I have not been successful on the net, forums, etc, finding any information about its flying characteristics.
It's said to be a free style wing, which is good for pilots interested in getting started with acro stuff.
If anyone reading this can say a word or two about the wing, I'd appreciate it.


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BookeeWookee's picture

Hi Evgeny,

This was all that I was able to find, too. I am hoping that someone who owns one, has flown with one, could say of few words about it. I have flown with the Octone FLX and the Swing 3D and the 3D made a better impression on me; faster and more dynamic. I bought the Swing 3D.
Apparently Swing only made 30-40 of the 3D's and never completed testing to DHV certification.

Danke trotzdem.
See you in the sky,