Icaro Instinct or RR Rolling (XX qm)?


Im Looking for a freestyle wing to start acro and i like to do it safe ;)

About me
- I flow around 50 fullstall´s on my Bright 3 (EN A) with a nice Flyback and also good and high WingOvers (& sat).
- I have less money, because im a Student, new wings are not affortable ;)
- Takeoff Weight around 90kg
- Im not scared of cravats or similar, but I really don´t want to fall in my wing! :D
- I will try to fly every Weekend. But in the past, it didn´t work.
- I like to lern helico, dynamic fullstall, misty

Icaro Instinct 2 Acro
The Instinct should be a safe wing. But 20qm and so close to EN A?
I don´t understand many from Wing loading, but looks strange to me.
Long Break Length, annoying?
I think i will definitely need and second wing for Thermal days.

RR Acro Rolling
The Rolling is avalible in 22, 24 and 26qm.
I think more to the 24er, because i think its more Safe and also not so bad for thermals.
Is 24qm to large and i should choose the 22qm?

Rolling Wing-Loading:
Graphic http://finsterwalder-charly.de/images/stories/produkte/rr/rolling-overvi...
EN: http://finsterwalder-charly.de/en/9-produkte/gleitschirm/40-rolling-begi...
DE: http://finsterwalder-charly.de/9-produkte/gleitschirm/40-rolling-einstei...

Other Wings
Sophie - not certified... no problem.. but when an accident happen.. :-/ and i think more dynamic/acro than i need.
Freestyle 2 More dynamic than i need or want
Ocante i heard from someone who fall in this wing.. not rationally... but now i think its not the right wing for me..
Team5 Bluemaybe to borring, maybe not?

I know, I should try these Wings myself, but its difficult to find used Wings you can try in the space around you.

Please tell my your opinion to these or your favorite wings.
Wing load: Higher wing load, faster Wing, need faster reaktions. But is there more?

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jmcolombo's picture

Hey man,

Good you wanna keep on climbing the ladder, and good you're doing fullstalls, WOs and SATs! The only thing I could say is that you're doing all these things on a very easy wing, a wing that will probably sort itself out even if you fall asleep while flying or something, hahaha... I'm flying a Sophie2 23m now and an Ozone Rush 3 (High ENB), and I can tell you the Sophie2 is a huge step up. I'm still trying to get used to it properly. Before the Sophie2 I was flying a Littlecloud Spiruline 21.5m and I thought I was ready for it, but I think I bit more than what I could chew. So far all good though, did an SIV with it and it behaved beautifully, but the thing is turbulence. Once you start getting onto freestyle / acro wings everything happens way quicker and also you start getting a lot of yawing which you don't get at all on Low ENB or ENA wings.

Even though I love my Sophie2, I wouldn't recommend to jump to this wing straight away. I've read the Octane2 is a bit more docile. And in terms of the size, as you're coming from an ENA, I would go for the same size wing as you have now (which probably is a 24?). Anyways, try to get some more advices around here or with your local club...

Another good option that I would highly recommend: considering you're on a tight budget and coming from a ENA, get a high ENB wing and fly it on the very top of the weight range (or even a couple of kilos over), shorten the brakes a bit and you'll have a pretty dynamic and responsive wing, still with a safer margin than a freestyle or acro wing.

And trust me, from my experience: its better to go for a safer wing that will bring you pleasure and confidence, than a more reactive progressive wing that could very well shatter your confidence. A good mate also once told me when I stepped up to my Sophie2: "remember you're not a passenger anymore, you have to fly the damn thing!".