Les Arcs SpeedflyingPro 2010


"For the third year in a row Antoine Montant has once again dominated the art of speed flying.

Antoine Montant, for the third year in a row has won the Speed Flying Pro Les Arcs 2010, the referred to worldwide competition that combines skiing and piloting quickly a wing.

The rest of the podium consists of François Bon, one of the innovators of Speed Flying
who has today performed in his hometown with serenity as well as the zesty Yoan Castagnoli who finished third and was highly noticed for his inventiveness, his enthusiasm and his involvement. A third winning party devoted to experience and opening doors to new blood.

« Yo (Castagnoli) and Vince (Reffet) are agitated, they are jumping every where! Antoine Montant comments. I privilege skiing, to have strong supports, finding technical paths with changing rhythms: staying calm during the delicate parts and letting my hair down when I can. »

The competition was divided into two freeride sets, which were fought out Wednesday on the flanks of the Aiguille Rouge situated on the side of the Arandelières which is The Arcs territory.
The speed flyers are free to choose their itinerary, by skiing on the snow and flying on this magnificent untouched side, between corridors and snow powdered fields. A high speed ballet between the rocks. Thier descent is graded on three criterias by a jury : the technique ( the difficulty of the figures), the style (fluidity, the harmony of the skiing and the flying), and the course chosen.

If the control Antoine Montant has in this sport is confirmed, he has won with little advance, the general level of the Swiss, the Austrian and the German competitors has considerably increased. « Until now, Yohan Castagnoli notes, only one and only speed flyer distinguished himself from the others : Antoine. But today three or four have made his position questionable. »

The best is always the best, but he is no longer all alone way up there on the mountain. Speed flying has started to evolve and today Antoine has surely felt the wind of the other wings against his skin.

François Bon and Antoine Montant will now set off to produce a Speed Flying premiere on a mythical side of the Alpes. The destination, still being kept secret,
will be revealed on this website."

Fore more info, pictures, videos and results follow; http://www.speedflyingpro.com/

Linhares Acro and Final Results


Brazil's biggest lake hosted the second stage of the Open Paragliding Acro Competition nearby the city of Linhares. During the training day on Friday and the first competition day on Saturday the weather conditions were quite mixed. From the early morning hours several rainshowers and thunderstorms passed the area, causing big variances in the strenght and direction of the wind.

The take-off place was a beautiful sandy beach on the east side of the lake, suitable to launch in a 180 degree angle. The raft and the event was right on the opposite side which seemed optimal, but it's position often made it difficult to tow the pilots into the flying box due to the dominating NW-W wind.
Another problem was that the lakeside is everywhere surrounded with a 50-70 meter high steep slope which caused strong rotor in the landing place and sometimes made it even dangerous to land on the floating platform, especially in the afternoon hours when the see breeze reached the area. During this period the hill on the opposite (take-off) side was nicely soarable even with small acro wings...

3 runs were planned for Saturday and Sunday but due to the variable wind, rain showers, technical problems with the boats and often unsufficient altitude to perform the maneuvers things were happening slowly and only 2 runs could be completed (one with 3 and one with only 2 maneuvers).

Final, overall results of the Open competition (incl. Marobá-, and Linhares Acro)

1. Pál Takáts (Hungary, U-Turn Thriller)
2. Yves Berlovitz (Switzerland, Paratech Acro)
3. Hernan Pittoco (Argentina, SOL Supersonic)
4. Renato Lopez (Brazil, SOL Supersonic)
5. Christophe Guillet (Switzerland, U-Turn Thriller)

Brazilian results of the Linhares Acro

1. Renato Lopes (SOL)
2. Rodrigo Machado (SOL)
3. Mauricio Braga (Paratech)
4. Rafael Goberna (SOL)
5. Ronaldo Cardoso Camargo (Paratech)

The organization has announced that a final, third event of the Brazilian National Acro Championships will take place in April at the same location (only counting for the brazilian ranking).

Despite the - mainly location related - problems I must admit that on the other hand no competition ever before has provided such a service for the pilots as this one. For the entry fee of 250 EUR practically 11 days of accomodation, food, drinks, flying and transports between the locations! You can compare it to one of our greatest European events in Italy where for 100 EUR you can sleep for 4 days in your own car in a busy parking place, take bath in the lake and use a terrible public toilet where you wouldn't even send in your biggest enemy for a ride...).
The financial support by the government is very strong and the organization team is very motivated to improve things for next year (like with professional FAI judges, more towing boats, etc.).

Watch the photo galleries, results and more information on the official website.

Marobá Acro - Brasil


The first part of the Brazilian Open Acro Championships at the Marobá beach in Presidente Kennedy has ended. Finally 17 pilots (incl. 4 swiss, 1 argentinien and 1 hungarian) are participating. 

During the 4 days of the event (2-2 training and competition days)  a number of around only 30 flights were flown in total by all pilots together. The reasons for that were various. 
There were 2 towing boats, but one of them got damaged by the waves while putting it into the sea right on the first day...

Marobá open - Brasil


Dear pilots! I just got these informations from our friend Maurició "Gatinho" Braga from Brasil about the following event they are organizing. All pilots are warmly welcomed! You only need to get to Victoria and pay 250 EUR subscription fee for nearly 2 weeks of fun! Here are the infos:

Marobá open Acrobatics.
Country: Brazil, Espiritio Santo State
Dates: 28th of January to 7th February.

"The competition consists of 2 events in two weekends consecutives, one is below salt water (Presidente Kennedy) just on a very nice and clean beach, and the other over a lake (Linhares) natural lake with warm sweet water. At both locations the pilots will get into the air by towing boats.

One of the locations...

The competition start on 28th to 31 January 2010. (at Presidente Kennedy)

Between the two etapes from 31 January to 4th of February the pilots can fly in Castelo, a nice rocky mountain, famous for XC where a PWC comp was held in 2008.

The inscription fee is only 250 which includes:
All towings during the competitions.
All transportations to- and between the events including going to Castelo
3 meals per day during the competitions
Accomodations in Hotel - including the freeflying days in Castelo!

The price money for the Open Competition.

1º place R$ 2500 reais (around 1000 Euros)
2°place R$ 1500 reais (around 500 Euros)
3° place R$1000 reais (around 300 Euros)

To have all benefits the pilot need to make the inscription and pay the entry fee before 20th of January
Ps.: if you think about to tavel to brazil this can be very cheap way because the fly should cost around 900 euros plus 250 to stay around 10 days. The total cost around 1150 euros and fly without cost. Sometimes you pay this just a ticket
Come we wait for you guys! Gatinho"

+ info at the event's website (portugese only)