On the road...

Unfortunately I didn’t have internet access last week. Acrofolies was a really successful competition with 5 valid runs both in solo and synchro category. Congratulation for the organizers! In solo the SAT team owned the podium. In the last run Raul took the lead from his brother Félix however he also made a brilliant run (Rythmic SAT to Infinite again). Horacio Llorens finished at the third place. In synchro SAT Brothers, Blues „Apocalypse” Team and SOL Tribal Acro Team were the best. Detailed results at the official website of Acrofolies.

After the competition ended we visited the Wagas Festival on the biggest dune in Europe the Grande Dune du Pyla close to Arcachon city. We didn´t take part in the competition, it was our first time there anyway. The weather was sunny and hot but the wind was coming from northern directions and it always got pretty strong in the afternoon. Many times only acro gliders (or even more smaller wings) could fly without the risk to drifting back. After 4 days when all of our stuff was full of sand already and the weather conditions didn’t change we decided to move to north Spain to take a bit more altitude above the ground :)
Now we are in the Pyrenees (Catalunya) and having fun together with other acro pilots like Seiko, Hans, Michael, Bernd and Alex, Antoine and Javier.