New member in Infinite Club?

It seems the French Hans Prunaretty will be the 4th person who master the Infinite Tumbling.
At the moment he can do very high Tumblings and Rhythmic SATs. Day by day it is getting better and sometimes it looks like the movement of the Infinite for few turns, but he didn’t make it „infinite” yet.

Hans says: „The most important thing is to believe. But what is even more important to stop to believe at the right moment :)”

Till now only Raul and Félix Rodriguez and Antoine Montant acquired this maneuver. All of them throw the rescue more than one time while practicing it.

Good luck Hans!

Check out also his upcoming website at

Latest Comments

lupus78's picture

Yeah! Finally Advance has made a glider for Infinity...
It would be interesting to know more details about this wing! Surface area, etc...

PalTakats's picture


It's possible for example to build up a Rythmic SAT to Infinity by only using one brake, but it's not possible to control Infinity like this for more then 3-5 turns. Till then it might look like a real infinity for a short time. However, if you only use one side you will swing to the other side and if you don't know how to correct this, the glider will probably collapse in the next turn.

audacium's picture


From a layman's perspective :-) (that means I do not fly infinity and I do not know whether I will ever have enough training to get there) I would yet add another aspect of infinity:

It seems to me fair to say that in "real infinity" while the pilot is passing exactly vertically above the glider (first aspect) the corrections to keep the wing in infinity are done approximately equal to both sides (second aspect). If the corrections are biased to one side it tends to be rather rhythmic sat, I would suspect. Both aspects have to be there in order to be real infinity. I think it is also contained in Pal's explanation that the tips have to move completely symmetrical and the leading edge is parallel to the horizon.

I thought about that while watching videos from infinity - it seems to me one can see quite well whether corrections are just one-sided or equally weighted.

But maybe I am wrong and you can perfectly do infinity while doing corrections only to one side?

Cya, Eduard.

PalTakats's picture

Hi guys!

During the Infinity Tumbling the pilot is passing exactly above the middle of the glider (with _180_ degrees angle!), making a lot of revolutions by transforming the energy from one turn to the other. The glider's tips are moving symmetrically backward and forward in each turn. From the pilot's view, the leading edge is passing the horizon completely paralel .

After passing the highest point, the pilot is swinging about 10 meters down (while taking a lot of speed) in the meanwhile the glider shoots forward violently - this gives the power to be able to repeat this sequence. Also, small, precise brake inputs are needed to control the glider and keep the infinity symmetrical. This technique is based on the Rythmic SAT's technique, that's why it is the best and safest way to learn Infinity by mastering Rythmic SAT first, and improve it with lot of training. However, still, there are only a few acro gliders which are suitable to make nice Rythmic SAT to Infinity, without taking a high risk to get a big collapse/cravatte.

To enter Infinity from Tumble (taking energy by a spiral) is the fastest and most direct way, but it's also way more dangerous if you don't know exactly what to do, how to control the glider. Like this the first turns of the Tumble will be already very high, so if you give a bad command you can easily fall into the glider in the 3rd, 4th turn, like I did. That's why it's much better to learn Rythmic SAT first, because you build up the maneuver gradually.

The list what Daniboy mentioned is correct (except Patrick Lachat, he is only doing nice rythmic sat's) However, if we want to be very strict, Infinity means you make as much turns as you want, only the ground is the limit (of course for this you need an equipment in good shape and smooth conditions without turbulences). Considering this, I would say there are about 4-6 pilots in the world who can do 30-60-100 turns, so real Infinity in my eyes (if someone can make 30 turns, he already knows how to make more). Furthermore there are 3-4 guys who can enter Infinity and keep it in for 3-10 turns, like Mike Küng (his "record" was fake), Fabio Fava. However, I didn't meet with most of these guys since october, so I don't know how much did they train and progress during the winter. There are also several pilots who has already the knowledge and skill to step forward towards Infinity, like Patrick Lachat, Alexander Aimard, Alex Rodriguez, Pablo Lopez and probably many more...

Good luck!

lupus78's picture

Yes, he was!

hoddi's picture

And he(Raul) was the first one ever to make infinty rigt? man! that must have been amazing feeling :)

hoddi's picture

if u search for "SIV Annecy France" on youtube u can see some guy doing infinity, don´t think he´s on your list...

MBORZA's picture

Hi Daniel, Pal and acrogang!
By the way, are you Daniel ´sapo` that I met years ago in Santa Rita do Sapucaí? I didn´t know that you has been trainning acro those last years...
You disapeared Man!
Anyway, I will talk here to you in english to be understood by everybody.
First, congratulations to Pal and Gabor for the enormous improvement in acro last year. I think you were the big surprise of the 2006 acro season!
I remember 2005 during that acro season when you guys were flying with the Dunes and still trying hard some manouvres... after you took a real acro
gliders (the G-Forces) the things went impressive and it were just a matter of time to reach the infinity level. I envy you! In a good sense...
Last year (april)I had a bad accident (broke my vertebral colum) that took me off the acro season... and I didn´t pratice at all. In the beggining of this year I decided to come back and I ordered a Twister after I got some informations about it.
I still have my G-Force 360/16 and my Seven 18, but after 3 flights only with the Twister I am conviced that this is the machine!
Just in the first rithmic (that is my favorite trick since 2005) I reached the infinity configuration and I think in a little time I will be in the club... I will upload the video for you when it happens... words doesn´t work well in these matters... images does!
Coming to the subject of this forum:
I agree with Daniboy about the right configuration of the infinity and I remember about those 68 turns (world record???!!!) of Mike Kung that in reality were 68 turns in hight rithmic...
As I am out of circuit for a long time, I would like to know also what is considered a perfect infinty and how it is caracterized when you come from a rithmic. In other words: since when I can say that I am in the infinity configuration coming from a rithmic? For me the angle is not enought as you can pass absolutely over the canopy but still in the sat configuration... and of course for me the perfect infinity has a kind of diferent one. If I am wrong, please correct me. As I said, I am out for a long time...
Happy tumbles,

daniboy's picture

Hi Pal,
has this very privet club increased?
I really would like to know what are the points to consider that a pilot is doing an Infinity. That´s because I can now sustain a rithmic sat very high (like a 135º tumble) from about 10-15 turns or more, but still doesen´t look like an infinty (with my new sonic 2). When I put (using the rithmic technic) the glider completely perpendicular to my body´s trajetory (when I over) and let it go, I only can handle for 2 turns at most and that´s the only time that the glider starts to deform and regain the internal pressure with the infinty caracteristics. I feel that I am near.
It´s exactly like the movements that I saw Fabio doing in the Brazil Acro Tour, but for me still needs something to be a real infinity. In the beggining movements the pilot is passing completly over the glider but still in sat/rithmic configuration and not with the glider perpendicular to his trajetory like in a binary sistem. So I think it only counts when you are perfectly in the infinity configuration for at least 5 turns, isn´t it? In this case the members of the club are:
1)Raul; 2)Montant; 3) Felix; 4)Pitocco; 5) Horacio; 6) Pal; 7)Gabor; 8)Hans? Never saw him doing...; 9) Fabio? Never saw him doing more than 2-3 turns in the right configuration...; 10)Mike Kung? The same...; 11) Patrick Lachat? Never saw...
How the judges is dealing with this subject? For me it´s very diferent when you enter into the infinity configuration just in the second turn (from an inversion of a simetric spiral) and when you need to rithmic for some turns to put the glider in the right configuration. What do you think about this?
Tank you and best regards for you and Gabor,

PS - Next time in Brasil I will introduce you guys into our sacred acro temples and than you will see what´s a good condition to train acro...

lupus78's picture

Thanks for beliving in me, but I don't think I'll be in the first 10... maybe in the first 100....

PalTakats's picture

Hi Loopy!
Yes it was, but on his website now you can see some videos of him making 4-5 turns in infinity movement, so I think in a short time he'll be able to do more revolutions, real infinity. That's why I put him to the list :)
But dont't worry, you can still get into the first 10 :)

lupus78's picture

"Mike Küng"? Isn't it Küngfinity? :)

PalTakats's picture

The list of pilots making Infinity Tumbling at the moment:

Raul Rodriguez (inventor)
Antoine Montant
Félix Rodriguez
Pitocco Hernan
Horacio Llorens
Pál Takáts
Hans Prunaretty
Mike Küng

And in my opinion the upcoming pilots are: Fabio Baretto Fava, Alexander Aimard, Patric Lachat, Gábor Kézi and some more... :-)

Xswift's picture

Ohhhhh my .... !! Heh i'm not really used to this site heheheee i just asked whether or not pal is able to do the infinite and here i read that he did 25 tumbles ;) I should read more often the comments ;)

Pretty amazing considering you started to fly in 2001 , Pal i can t wait for you to write down a description of the infinite tumble in the tricks section of justacro :) i would gladly translate it into french ;)

more more videos please ;)

Ready to beat raul's record of plaine-joux ? :)


sibylle's picture

It's very very ... very good pàl !!!!!!
congratulations !!!!!!!

PalTakats's picture

25 turns today :-)

borat's picture

realy cool!!!

PalTakats's picture

Thanks guys!!

By the way I'm sorry that I cannot update the site more often but I didn't even have time to check my e-mails in the last few weeks... :-( Hope it will change.

Soft landings!!!

arjan's picture



R E S P E C T ...


huracan's picture


slick slick slick mate

handerson's picture

congratulations from heidelberg

cheers marc

Vulcan's picture

Congratulations Pal,

brilliant video!probably you are now the 4th person,
who manage this trick!!!

Wish you all the best for the next competitions!

talbert's picture

Congratulations my son!
Nagyon büszke vagyok Rád!
thx Apa

terry's picture

Congratulations Pal,

its been a real pleasure watching your videos this year and to see your progression... well done mate!!
I am working on my own trick... i call it Infinite B line - cant do it yet.. keep hitting the ground!!lol!!

Daan's picture

This video rocks - You fucking rock
Congratulations !

PalTakats's picture

Finally here is a short video about my upcoming membership in the club :-)

index.php?m=21&dl=135 Rythmic SAT to Infinity

PalTakats's picture

Hi Malte!

Not yet, but I repaired my wing to finish the competitions with it. Actually it is not only my problem, many pilots who makes lots of rythmic sat and infinity has the same with their gliders. The problem is that not even the acro gliders can stand out these extreme forces for a long time (infinity makes huge shock for the glider in each turn). It means after only 2 weeks of flying with a brand new wing you can see the stitchings at the leading edge starts opening...I hope the companies find out something to make the acro wings even more stronger, otherwise we need 4 gliders per year :-)

Tonight i'm going to Italy, Acroaria starts tomorrow, yeehaw!

maltej's picture

Hey Pál,
have you already found a new glider?
I'm excited to see more videos :-D

Greetz from Cologne, Germany

PalTakats's picture

Almost me, but 2 days ago I destroyed my glider completely :-(
After a 5 turn Infinity a huge hole appeared on the middle of the leading edge and 8 more smaller tears along the stitchings all around the glider (but those I couldn't see in the air). It was flying normally but I decided to land with my rogallo, because you never know...So now I have to find a new glider very fast...
I'll upload some pictures and videos later.

lupus78's picture

What about Hans? Or someone else will take the 4th place in the Infinity Club? :)

pogozoli's picture

I'm not sure now... I will try to whip up some movies. I have only pictures with him. The commentator said that it is infinite th. That was the first time when I saw something like that, so I'm not sure :).
Good flights,

PalTakats's picture

Hi Zoli!

I thought the same (they also write it on U-Turn´s website) so on Acrofolies I asked Raul how many pilots can do infinite at the moment. He said still only 3, Mike Kung can do only Rythmic SAT. It seems like he or the company went a bit too far with the marketing :-)
What you saw was probably a high tumbling or rythmic sat but not infinite tumbling for sure. Don´t you have a video about it?

pogozoli's picture

"Till now only Raul and Félix Rodriguez and Antoine Montant acquired this maneuver."
You refer to the pilots in the competition? Because I saw Mike Kung doing infinite thumbling in Brasso last year in september. He jumped from the helico 4 times in 2 days. It was very cool.