justACRO Boogie - video contest registration!

Hey folks! Only 3 weeks left till the justACRO Boogie! I'm kindly inviting you to participate in our video contest!
The concept:
- Form teams of maximum 5 people.
- Film and edit a short video between 25-30. July (Monday to Saturday) to present it on Saturday evening before the party.
- Length of video: maximum 5 minutes.
- Up to 5 teams can participate.
- To register, send an email to info@justacro.com with the name of the team and the team members.

It is not about the best trick or the most spectacular shots. We want you to be creative!
There are some nice prices to win! ;)
See you soon!

King of Brenta - final results

Despite the rainy weather conditions the spirit was high in Molveno and the pilots reported of an outstanding organisation!
Two solo and one synchro runs were completed. The Frenchies ruled the solo podium once more and the synchro run was won by the SAT Brothers!
Final solo results / Final synchro results.
Rumours say that the Donini family and King of Brenta will host the first ever European Acro Championships here next year! :)

2nd FAI World Paragliding Aerobatics Championships

Event date: 
2016/08/26 to 2016/09/04

After 10 years and 2 cancelled attempts to organize the 2nd Acro World Championships, this year it seems like nothing can stand in the way for the most prestigious competition to happen again! This time in France, Annecy!
The registration is now open and the National Aero Clubs need to delegate the best of each country to participate!