Flying the Holy Land

For the last 2 months we've been flying in Israel, enjoying the hospitality of APCO and the nice sunny weather after the season ended in Europe. We had a great time here visiting many amazing sites all around the country, tasting nice local food and the partylife of Tel Aviv...

Since we had arrived we've been working on a new, longer movie, which will be ready in January and published here in the justACRO video gallery.

Till then, we share our best pictures in the Flying the Holy Land photo gallery.


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PalTakats's picture

Heyy Adam! :-)

I was very happy to read your post! Thanks a lot man, you helped and showed us many many things there! Of course we enjoyed it very much. Please say hello to the boys and everyone in the cafe shop :-)
And please burn them a dvd with our movies, unfortunately we couldn't do it on our computer in the last days.

Hope you still want to come to Hungary for New Year celebration! Please let us know.

See you!

adambdir's picture

Hello dear friend!
Sorry that we could not meet in your last day in israel but buiznes comes first...... :}.... just jocking
it was amazing having u here
we had enjoyed every min
imy boy send u and Gabor alot of nice wishes/
we miss u..

any way hope u enjoyed being here ... and hope we will do all the things we planed next time...
ah, nice wishes from the guys in the coffe shop ...
they are waiting for the next compatetion( u know o o o o o o o o o)
see u

PalTakats's picture

Hi Shimi!

Thank YOU for everything! I wish you and to all your students nice winter flights.

Keep in touch, see you in Austria!


Shimi's picture

Greetings from Shimi, Pal adn Gabor, Your presence in Israel did good things and we were very happy to have you.

Regards from all the students at Sitvanit.

Brazil is right place to be now and I am happy for you.

Looking forward to next June -- Austria.

Regards --- Shimi

PalTakats's picture

Hi Alex!

Don`t worry, I`m already sitting in the rain in Annecy :-)
But I really want to go to climb some mountains around, maybe in Chamonix. Let's go up to some 3-4000 m peak, would be nice to go together! Pierre is also interested!

See you!

feelosofly's picture

It's not fair :o(
It's could be forbiden to have an automn trip like that!!!!
Sorry it's just a bad joke (i know i know... i need to stop the bad jokes)
Incredible place and good training: you are lucky guys enjoy your last days and see you soon in the french winter ;o)