Home, sweet home...

Finally, after 2 days of travelling yesterday we returned to Hungary from our 2.5 months journey in Brasil. However we couldn't train as much acro as we wanted to (to tell the truth we didn't even spend lot of time at sites which are suitable for that) but instead we had a lot of fun playing on coastal sites, getting brown on the beach, tasting great foods, completely unknown fruits, meet with many many new friends, e aprendemos portugues!

We are going to cut our own version of the second clip of Brasil Acro Tour (about flying in Govenador Valadares) in the following days, as there are many great footages that you didn't see yet!

Till then, check the TV programme made by Fabio Baretto Fava, which was shown in ESPN Brasil television. Click on the link above, that will lead you to the video.

Unfortunately we never had the possibility to use fast internet connection there to keep updating the site, but now sitting home on my 10Mbit/sec connection, there are no more barriers for me to start working :-)

At first, check our last pictures we took in Brasil in the gallery Beaches of Bahia, included some more photos of our back way home and New York city.

Let's rock!