New WPRS formula

New World Paragliding Ranking System was accepted at the CIVL Plenary meeting in Talloire, France.

The new formula will serve Paragliding Accurary and Paragliding Aerobatics much better as they have been using the HG XC formulas, with the built in factors designed for HG competitions - stands in the explanation of the new formula which is taking effect since 1st of March 2007.

The current ranking was also recalculated what made some slight changes. Click here to see the actual World Ranking.

Just in brief:

The new formula is taking consideration the following factors for calculating the raking:

1. The pilot's ranking in the competition (Pilot Points)

This means the final ranking of the participant. The actual total scores are normalized to 1.0 points for the first position and 0.0 points for the last position.

2. The ranking of the competition

In a perfect competition with all the top pilots participating, the competition ranking

should be 1.0. Winning a competition with only beginner pilots or a competition with only one participant should give a the ranking close to 0.0.

There are three factors to measure the value of a competition:

a) The quality of the participants:
Judged by their World Ranking position. Only a competition wherein all the top ranked pilots are participated would get the maximum possible quality.

b) The number of participants:
Compared to other competitions in the same ranking in the last 12 months. No forula change is needed if the average number of pilots change in the next years

c) The success of the competition:
It is calculated by the number of valid tasks in the competition. In case of no valid runs the success is 0, and in case of three or more tasks it is 1.0. It means that a competition has full value if there are minimum 3 valid tasks.

3. Time devaluation

The value of the competition should decrease over time, otherwise we would have an all time best ranking instead of a current ranking. After the end of a competition, the participants ranking points will decrease during a 3 year period and going from 1.0 to 0.0 in an S-curve.

4. The number of results that count in the ranking

It is the sum of the points of the 4 best competitions in the last 3 years

For more detailed explanation, please read the official description here.