15 years ago
Dear pilots! I just got these informations from our friend Maurició "Gatinho" Braga from Brasil about the following event they are organizing. All pilots are warmly welcomed! You only need to get to Victoria and pay 250 EUR subscription fee for nearly 2 weeks of fun! Here are the infos:
Marobá open Acrobatics.
Country: Brazil, Espiritio Santo State
Dates: 28th of January to 7th February.
"The competition consists of 2 events in two weekends consecutives, one is below salt water (Presidente Kennedy) just on a very nice and clean beach, and the other over a lake (Linhares) natural lake with warm sweet water. At both locations the pilots will get into the air by towing boats.
The competition start on 28th to 31 January 2010. (at Presidente Kennedy)
Between the two etapes from 31 January to 4th of February the pilots can fly in Castelo, a nice rocky mountain, famous for XC where a PWC comp was held in 2008.
The inscription fee is only 250 which includes:
All towings during the competitions.
All transportations to- and between the events including going to Castelo
3 meals per day during the competitions
Accomodations in Hotel - including the freeflying days in Castelo!
The price money for the Open Competition.
1º place R$ 2500 reais (around 1000 Euros)
2°place R$ 1500 reais (around 500 Euros)
3° place R$1000 reais (around 300 Euros)
To have all benefits the pilot need to make the inscription and pay the entry fee before 20th of January
Ps.: if you think about to tavel to brazil this can be very cheap way because the fly should cost around 900 euros plus 250 to stay around 10 days. The total cost around 1150 euros and fly without cost. Sometimes you pay this just a ticket
Come we wait for you guys! Gatinho"
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the event website have some nice photos here:
still waiting for the answer from sol etc. as u know
Ssssooo, seems like a small group is getting together! Yves and Remo bought their tickets yesterday (for less than 800 eur to Vitoria) and I will try to organize one tomorrow... Anyone else? Common guys! ;-)
for 1150 in total...
Oi gente!
Anyone planning to go there?
I `d love to come. also to visit SOL.
but first i need to earn some money here during the EU wintertime.