12 years ago
Pål Hammar Rognøy, Sweden, got the titles Nordic and Swedish Champion for the second year in a row. Dennis Wolther from Denmark got the silver in the Nordic Championship and Mikael Kjellman from Sweden the bronze in the Nordic and silver in the Swedish Championship. Emil Selin came in third in the Swedish Championship. Martine Eng from Sweden was the best Nordic lady.
This year’s Nordic Open Acro Paragliding Championship offered great variations in weather. In the end three runs were carried out, one on thursday and two on saturday. All of the runs were two-manouevre runs where two runs had raft landing on land and the final run on saturday had raft landing on the lake.
The scheduled final run on sunday was cancelled due to rain. Eighteen pilots competed in this year’s event where Pål Hammar Rognøy was the strongest competitor overall. He might also be the winner of the champagne fight following the prize giving ceremony as well. Have a look in our Photo Gallery to judge for yourself or watch the movie from the happening (champagne fight).
The rest of the ranking is found under Results here.