11 years ago
The first world cup's stop of the year, AcroMax, just ended last Sunday after a super nice week in Udine, Italy.
In solo Horacio take the lead after an impressive competition meanwhile the French team put 5 pilot in the top7. Marvin Ogger manage to put himself between for a nice 4th place after big fights. The level was high and this was a good start for an incredible season ! Read the full report below.
For all pilot this event was a great success, the weather had been cool and we managed to do 3 tasks in solo as well as in synchro.
This year we kept on with last year's system which had been a success for the pilot as well as for the public and judges because of his totally new freestyle concept, but it was updated a bit to make it more effective in the search of the best pilot in the world. So the pilots were not able to do more than once each maneuver at risk of loosing points.
And so we could enjoy really cool runs different for every pilot all over the competitions and once again I could see that the level increased a lot again compared to last year.
So, we were 31 pilot registered and 10 synchro teams. The first solo run happened in perfect wind conditions, with a lot of altitude and the French pilot Jeremy Bailly took the lead with an awesome run and a crazy landing. He was followed by the Brazilian Rafael Goberna and the well known Argentine's pilot Hernan Pitocco.
The first synchro run happened on the next day with similar conditions and shows some incredible skills with really cool runs and the 2012 synchro world champions Stay Irie (Marvin Ogger and Lino Oehl) from Germany took the lead after showing a really clean run. They were followed by the frenchies Team Alongi (François Ragolski and Tim Alongi) and the famous Sat Team from Spain (Horacio Llorens and Felix Rodriguez).
This was immediately followed by the second solo task under a bright sun but with some turbulences and some big altitude differences. On this second run the “each maneuver once” rule did his job and the ranking changed a lot ! The 2012, 2010, 2009, 2008 world champions Horacio Llorens sticked an amazing run and scored an incredible 12,8 wich put him on the 2nd place of the provisional ranking just after Jeremy Bailly who was 2nd of the run.
We immediately went up to do the 2nd synchro task and had to dry our stuff on the take off, waiting for our turn to fly, the conditions were perfect and we could finished the run easily with once again the victory from Stay Irie who kept the lead on the provisional ranking taking some good advance.
On Saturday the forecast did not look so good and so we hurried up a bit for the 3rd synchro run with the 8 best teams. This run changed the ranking totally because of some mistakes from the leader Stay Irie, and some good run from Alongi Team and the Sat Team. At the end of the run Stay Irie had been dropped to the 3rd place and Alongi Team was leading followed by the Sat Team.
Thunderstorms were coming pretty fast and best 15 of the solo competition hurried up to the take off for a final run, unfortunately the weather did not let us complete the task and we had to report it on the next day to let fly 5pilots. On the other hand the synchro finals was cancelled and the synchro competitions was finished.
On sunday morning the conditions were perfect again and we could finished the run. Once again the “each maneuver once” did his job and a lot of pilot had to put some maneuver they did not mastered 100% and we saw some big changes in the ranking. This time this is the well known German Pilot Marvin Ogger who won his first world cup task ever with a solid run and a solid landing. He was closely followed by the French Tim Alongi and the Spanish Horacio Llorens, unfortunately for Marvin his point difference was not high enough and he could not enter the podium. Jeremy Bailly who leaded the competitions the whole time did some mistakes and dropped to the 3rd place of the ranking while Tim Alongi after showing some impressive runs took the 2nd. And once again the current APWC winner won a world cup and took the lead of this year APWC ranking but still the point difference between the 4 first is really close and everybody could have been sitting on the 1st place just as well as Horacio and so the next event could be really interesting and the ranking may change really fast as all of the top10 pilots could climb up again. Stay tuned for another exciting acro season!
In the other hand we could see how France is now leading the acro world with 5 pilots in the top 7 of the ranking. France take the lead with a lot of point in front of the other country in the nation ranking.
We would like the thanks the organization of this first AcroMax who did an amazing job for this event which we all liked and we all hope to see it on the calendar again in the next years!
Thanks also to Claudio for his great job in updating the scoring system.
Here is the top10 in the solo competition :
Rank Competitor Country Glider Total
1 Horacio Llorens ESP RR Radix 2 34.629
2 Tim Alongi FRA AIRG emilie Wild13 33.545
3 Jérémy Bailly FRA Dudek Mach 1 33.536
4 Marvin Ogger DEU AIRG emilie Wild 13 33.481
5 Eliot Nochez FRA Niviuk N-Gravity 3 31.689
6 François Ragolski FRA AIRG emilie pro 12 31.209
7 Theo de Blic FRA Icaro Nikita 3 31.124
8 Lionel Hercod CHE Niviuk N-Gravity 3 31.081
9 Rafael Goberna BRA Sol Supersonic 2013 29.835
10 Lino Oehl DEU AIRG emilie Wild 13 29.776
And the top 5 of the synchro competition :
Rank Team Country Glider Total
1 Alongi Team
François Ragolski FRA AIRG emilie pro 27.518
Tim Alongi FRA AIRG emilie Wild
2 SAT Team
Horacio Llorens ESP RR Radix 2 26.553
Felix Rodriguez ESP Ozone Trickster
3 Stay Irie
Marvin Ogger DEU AIRG emilie Wild 26.235
Lino Oehl DEU AIRG emilie Wild
4 SOL Acro team
Hernàn Pitocco ARG Sol Supersonic 25.072
Rafael Goberna BRA Sol Supersonic
5 Metallic acro team
Jérémy Bailly FRA Dudek Mach 24.534
Theo de Blic FRA Icaro Nikita 3
We are know in Organyà with most of the boys relaxing after some intense weeks and looking forward for the next stop in Switzerland for the synchro world cup!
Stay tuned.
Latest Comments
Many thanks Theo for the report, it is awesome!
Nice to see such reports.
+ interesting to see there are no Thrillers.