10 years ago
AcroMax the last event of this year Aerobatic World Tour has ended this sunday in Trasaguis, Italy. This event has been really challenging about the weather as we had 3 consecutives days without flying due to strong wind and heavy rain. Fortunately the weather cleared on saturday afternoon and we managed to complet 2 solo tasks and 2 synchro tasks.
Both solo tasks were won by Tim Alongi already winner of the last World Tour event. He managed to pull some impressive runs and coupled with breathtaking landings. From a general point of view we had really cool conditions for both tasks with a nice altitude. The landing proved himself to be tricky again and many pilots got low points.
In synchro that's the Team Face to Face (Raul Rodriguez and François Ragolski) who also won the previous World Tour event in Italy who won the first task. While the second task which was done in bumpy conditions was won by the South Americans Sol Acro Team (Hernan Pitocco and Rafael Goberna)
At the end in solo France secured its positions as the leading country in Aerobatic Paragliding as once again the first 4 Overall were french.
In Synchro Face to Face ended up 1st once again.
Overall Solo Result :
1. Tim Alongi FRA
2. ex æquo Eliot Nochez FRA
2. ex æquo François Ragolski FRA
4. Théo de Blic FRA
5. Raul Rodriguez SPA
Overall Synchro Result :
1. Face to Face |Raul Rodriguez - François Ragolski
2. VRL Team | Tim Alongi - Eliot Nochez
3. Sol Acro Team | Rafael Goberna - Hernan Pitocco
In the name of the whole Aerobatic Paragliding community I would like to thank the whole AcroMax team who managed to build up a really nice event once again and whose happiness and hard work helped us having a really nice final for this season ! THANK YOU !