French Championships | Eliot Nochez kept his crown

The French championship were hold last week over the beautiful lake of Annecy. And as this season France has been the strongest country in Aerobatics paragliding it had to be a high level fight ! Indeed the whole podium of the last World Tour ranking was here, and to this you have to add Tim Alongi winner of the last to World Cup in Italy and you have the 4 season's best pilots fighting for the national title.

And it was indeed epic, as we managed to perform 5 runs each one in different conditions with various altitude, drift, wind etc...

At the end Eliot Nochez already winner in 2012 and 2013 kept his title winning with his consistency all the way to the 5th run. While Théo de Blic who won the 1st run and never left the podium during the whole comp afterwards managed to keep his second place despite Tim Alongi come back after missing the first 2 runs. Finally the gap between the 2nd and 3rd place was really tight (0,006point on 50) and the suspens staid until the really last run.

On the side they also were a unofficial synchro competition with 4 team competing, it is VRL team (Eliot Nochez and Tim Alongi) that got the title !

Solo ranking :

1. Eliot Nochez N-Gravity 3 54,878 points
2. Théo de Blic NIKITA 4v3 52,923 points
3. Tim Alongi Emilie Peace 52,917 points

Synchro ranking :

1. VRL Team (Eliot Nochez&Tim Alongi)
2. Shrickolski (Martin Shricke&François Ragolski)
3. Plantigez (Gaetan Doligez&Cyril Planton)

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afischba's picture

Had an awesome time flying with all of you! So much amazing skill, I happily take last place and look forward to learning more next year. Awesome job Eliot!