6 years ago
Check out the Acro World Tour website for the amazing 26 minutes highlight video of the 2018 season!
Special thanks to Claudio Cattaneo and many others who made this possible and who are working hard to raise the level of our sport to a higher level! The video is exclusively available on the AWT website at the moment.
Claudio's words:
"I’m very pleased to announce that I'm finally allowed to release - strictly limited to the Acro World Tour website! - the 26 minutes TV Highlight Show of the AWT 2018 Finals @ Sonchaux Acroshow. We can be quite happy with the success that the documentary is having with international TV broadcasting and with the number of views of the web clip and news cut. The last distribution report says that at the end of October we had accumulated over 250 hours air time on 5 continents. Using Tony Webb’s words (Partnership Manager at FAI): “It can be considered an exceptional outcome for your event in terms of media”.
If you want to show the videos to your sponsors and friends you can share this link www.acroworldtour.com . But don’t upload the 26’ highlight on a different website, you would probably be faced with copyright problems!
The definitive green light for free publication on social networks and video sharing services like Youtube and Vimeo should come around March 2019.
In the next weeks I shall receive an updated distribution report: pilots wishing to receive the detailed report should contact me in private message.
Many thanks again to everyone who made this possible, especially:
- Danae and ikone media productions
- The Sonchaux Acroshow committee and staff
- FSVL/SHV The Swiss Paragliding and Hanggliding Federation
- Montreux Riviera Tourism
- AirG Products
- Sup’Air
- Mae Giacometti
- Greenhope
- My beloved family for the patience
I deeply hope that a new era is starting. Acro paragliding and it’s actors deserve a better positioning in the media world, this might be the first step to increased popularity.
Latest Comments
Pretty cool footage. Thanks a lot for the efforts taken!!! I'd wish something alike to be released from the
Acro Game in Organyà.
Again thanks for the great work B-)