Aerobatics Competition Rules for 2006

FAI released the Aerobatics Competitions Rules for Paragliding for the 2006 season. There are many interesting modifications since last year, so it’s recommended to read carefully the whole text. For example:

- Manouvres with 1.8 difficulty coefficient or more (like Misty to Tumbling, Tumbling, Rhythmic SAT, Infinite Tumbling) must be executed at the beginning of the program (at high altitude), for safety reasons


- Mac Twist to Helico is on the manouvres list again (it was already on the list in 2004 but not in 2005)

- There’s a new synchro manouvre, the Rodeo SAT, wherein one pilot is doing a SAT while another making a spiral around him. This impressive trick was invented by Thimoty and Anthony Green (Paratweens) and they presented it in Italy, at Acroaria competition last year.

- Exact scoring system was set for the combinated manouvres (like Mac Twist to Helico, SAT to Helico, Helico to Helico, Helico to SAT, Misty to Tumbling). For example in a Helico to Helico the first helicopter counts 30%, the connection 40% and the second helicopter 30% from the total scoring.

- New scoring system for the World Cup Ranking.

- There won’t be cuts in the competitions, all pilots have the possibility to compete in all of the runs.

Download the Official Aerobatics Competition Rules (in PDF format)

For the rules of the previous years and additional important documents please click here.