New acro glider from U-Turn: G-Force 360

Offering the G-FORCE U-Turn became accepted as the leading manufacturer of acrogliders in the world. Now the Generation G-FORCE can be glad to look foreward to the successor: The G-FORCE 360 now is available. Therewith U-Turn provides the basis to update the success story. The Three-Sixty offers more dynamic, reacts more directly and willingly to any steering activities of the pilot and is more agile in the overall handling. “Just one step more uncompromising acro” designer Ernst Strobl explains .

The world´s leading pilots have been in the air with the G-FORCE, and all their feedback improved the G-FORCE in many, many sometimes small, sometimes bigger steps. All these experiences are included, and Strobl further optimised the prestension at the leading edge as well at as the trailing edge. New line lengths – one week of meticoulos testing to find out which material works best just was given to this issue – and a better trimming lead to a result that offers tremendous flight characteristics. The G-FORCE 360 is available in sizes 15, 16, 18, 20 and 25,3. Now especially great and very athletic pilots (up to 130 kg) are able to choose a canopy that offers the same area load like 18-square-metres-gliders for a 80-kilo-pilot.

With the Three-Sixty pilots can do all at present known acro-manoeuvres, whereas the advantages in the dynamics will pay out especially by flying the Infinity Tumble. One thing will not change: The very responsible aquaintance with this tremendous acroglider. U-Turn delivers this canopy only to experienced, skilled and sober-minded pilots.

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Also from U-Turn homepage:

Ernst Strobl, the designer of the company said: "simulation calculations lead to the conclusion, that it will be easily possible to do a backflip with the G-Force. And that the aerodynamics of the canopy is sufficient to do this backflip theoretically infinitely."

It sounds very interesting but what could it means exactly? Making a perfect, symmetrical loop above the canopy, instead of rolling from one side to the other? Last year Raul already said that something like this will be probably possible. Anyway he already done SAT to Infinity (like a perfect Rhythmic SAT) and probably something like a "Rhythmic SAT to Rhythmic SAT" will be possible: starting with a right SAT and ending in a left SAT with an Infinite Tumbling in the middle of the maneuvre :-)

Anyhow for me all these things show that acro flying on paraglider is still very far to reach it's limits and there are many undiscovered maneuvres for sure. Of course for this not only the pilots skill, but the paragliding constructions should develop.