1994: Angel Hunt movie by André Bucher

12 years ago André Bucher - the owner of the Angel paraglider company - and his team with such an acro pioneers like Markus Gründhammer travelled to Hungary to make the first direct bag jumps from helicopter above the lake Balaton…

It’s probably the first „acro” video, from the time when acro meant spins, wing-overs and loopings and only a very small groups of pilots were „crazy” enough try all these things.

With the first looping and d-bag footages, enormous collapses, reversed connected pilots and ripped wings…it’s a must see movie!

Download the Angel Hunt movie

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Icaroflyer's picture

Wolf Rettenbacher and Hans Fuschler are still flying!!!! Wolf with the Renegades an Hans is working with U-Turn!!

Wolf flyes his own glider( he made the glider by himself) call´d "AIRWOLF".!!! :-)

And , yes, they a still crazy!!!


Teresa's picture


andrè lives in Tirol, in Natters. He has married 1 year ago. In summer he does safety trainings in Italy (Lago d'Idro - it is a very nice place to fly) and in winter he is doing groundhandling-courses in namibia. The rest of the year he is flying tandem in the stubaital,...

I don't think that markus is still selling edel. He sells Wingsof change. He is also testpilot for other companies. He has just built a new glider called deathblade with aspect ratio 13
He flies Looping, ground spiral,....


he also built a new acro glider: acrominator pro for infinity tumbling

greets from Stubaital

PalTakats's picture


I just re-uploaded the movie and corrected the link! If you want to watch it, just click on it, to download right-click and save.


nakulmalik's picture

were you able to find it in your backups?

nakulmalik's picture

still waiting for the link to be fixed so that i can download and watch the movie! any chance?

peter_bruckner's picture

Well, I am waiting as well for the video clip. Met Andre a couple of years ago in Namibia, meaning about 2000/2001. Had gorgeous flying at Dune 7 with him. He is still alive and kicking and hopefully we will have a revival in January at Swakopmund again.

Ps: may be I will find in my old backups the video clip as well

lupus78's picture

Good to hear, that these guys are still active and flying!
Why Namibia? Is it such a good place for flying?
The video will be available soon... We still have a lot of wrong links to replace!

bernd's picture

You better don't tell Markus personally that he's still selling Edel ;)
He's chief of his own company, WIngs of Change gliders.
Andre is not just flying tandem I think; he's also doing dune groundhandling/soaring courses in Namibia and safety trainings in Europe.
Mario went to Namibia aswell.

And don't forget Wolf Rettenbacher, who's still active with the 'Renegades' :)

nakulmalik's picture

if you click on the download link it just comes up with a page ot found error. can someone fix that?

killerloop212's picture


andre is flying tandem , i met him in ennstal, try to talk to him from while to while, he is still the father of acro and angel hunt is cult
grünhammer is still in stubai tal selling edel , amon is at dhv and local community employed, dr. guthensohn is diforced and back to dr. knopf and docotr at the german army, manfrd ragger is i think telephonoperator in lient, david peratoner in lient,italien northpart, oprandi tried his luck as flightinstructor lives here and there also still flying. daja is working at sky cub austria a sflightinstructor, suntinger as loader at a company and all have changed.

would be cool to make a REunite ! hell yeahhhhhhh

morosteff's picture

I know Andre Bucher very well. He started training me after has bankrobb. Now he's still alive and flying most of the time in the namib desert or at some "secret spot" in italy. I didn't met him since last autumn, but I think his acro-tendencies are almost gone...

Some of the other guys are still flying in Austria. I think most of them became instructors.

mikromeister's picture

Andrè Bucher went bankrupt, robbed a bank and was in prison for a few jears. That's at least what I heard.

PalTakats's picture

It is really interesting to see the how all these things started, but I wonder if anybody knows what's going on with these guys at the moment? I know that few of them became test pilots or designers like Markus Gründhammer, but what about the others? Are they still flying?