AcroTour 2009

The final schedule of the 2009 season with the most important competitions:

3rd World Air Games - 6-13th Jun, Torino
For the first time of the WAG history, paragliding acrobatics is there next to all kind of air-sport disciplines you can imagine...For invited pilots only.

Aerobatics Paragliding World Cup Tour 2009:

Acroaria - 6-9th August - Omegna, Italy
Pre-World Championships

Paranoia Acrobatixx - 17-19th July - Zell am See, Austria

(Cancelled APWC events: Acroattack, Vertigo, Acrolac)

Other competitions:

Wagas Festival - 27-30th May
The well known freestyle competition at the Dune du Pyla, France

DOWNTEAM challenge 2009 - 6-9th August - Åre, Sweden
Open Nordic Championships

The Norwegian Open FAI cat2 competitions - diverse locations
A great opportunity pilots who want to get started with competitions to gain world ranking points!