AcroTour 2006: Rescue

Last thursday I took Gábor’s G-Force to try some MacTwists and to check if the length of the brake is comfortable to enter the maneuver. However I already made lot’s of MacTwist with my glider probably I still do something wrong, because I twisted again exactly the same way like few weeks ago…I tried to spin the glider immediately to resolve the twists but somehow I turned further together with the glider and maybe even got some more twists (I’m not sure). Finally I was locked in Full Stall and threw the rescue.

It was the first time that I throw it in emergency situation, however I made 5 training openings above ground so it helped a lot to stay calm and just do what I have to do.

There is also another new movie uploaded with some cool synchro actions: AcroTour 2006: Synchro Session.

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PalTakats's picture


You can always check the "Latest comments" link, if you are looking for a topic which is not in the "Latest Topics" box already. I think this is what you were looking for:

Unfortunately I don't have a cutaway, so I can't tell you personal experiences with it, but in the topic there are some pros and cons.

To tell the truth I really have no idea who manufactured my Rogallo because there is nothing written in it and I bought it second hand. It can be High Adventure, Vonblon, whaterver...but for sure not skydrive.

By the way, APCO is now also developing a Rogallo rescue, soon it will be ready and get into production. Than probably I will get one, test it, and make a video about it.

In the profly harness I also connect the risers of the rogallo just above my shoulders and it's not problem to catch the brake.

I think the safest systems are:

1. Cutaway + Rogallo + Normal rescue (the best possible combination ever! I think 2 additional rescues are necesery, because if you fall into the glider you still have 2 last chances)
2. Rogallo + Normal rescue (excellent, it saved us in several situations and till now never had to use the second one)
3. 2 normal rescues (still MUCH better than flying with only 1 rescue, but there is no chance to control your descend and make soft landing)

See you!

AndyNeubi's picture

hey pál,

doing testflights and acro above water is ok in summer, but if you need your rescue in winter and fall into the lake can be very dangerous.
so i'll think about a cutaway or a rogallo system.

Q1: cutaway
in a threat (can't find it right now) you talked about using the cutaway. do you still have any experience with the cutaway ? (pro, cons)

Q2: rogallo
i'm using a harness similar to the avasport acro with 2rescues under the seat. the rescues are connected via a band on the shoulder-belt. if you throw the rogallo in an emergency situation, the brakes of the rogallo are about 1m higher than my shoulders -> can't reach the brakes ?!?! ....
how is this done with your profly-harness ??

... which rescue-system do you prefer ?


Swooper's picture

...I thought as much. Rogallos have a little weakness for lineover. Nice idea with the yarn, but if this to strong....:-(

best regards

PalTakats's picture


It is important to leave out enough free lines between the riser of the rescue and the container. Otherwise if it is too short it can happens that the container opens and the rescue fall out before you even could throw it. You have to check it after the rescue is folded, just hold it in your hand and move it all around. If the lines became tight, that's bad. Also at this part I always tie the lines with normal cotton yarn (usually at 3 places, about 15-20 cm to each other). Another thing is that I put a rubber where the lines leaves the canopy, included all the lines and a small piece of the material also. By this this the rogallo start to inflate from the front.

I hope this is the answer for your question...Next time I take some pictures to understand it easier.


Swooper's picture


Other question; at the packing sequenz of the rogallo you made anything on the lines. This looks not like normal S-loop with rubber band. what do you made there?


aerialanarkist's picture


I am glad you have been able to pull your glider in every time. Ther was no way i could pull a line as they were so tightly raped up into a rope and i could not reach above the twists. I tryed hard to pull my wing in but was to much presure.
my sink rate was very slow tho :) with 2 wings above me.

PalTakats's picture


I made 5 training openings above ground with my Rogallo before and it helped me a lot to learn how to catch the glider as fast as possible.
Thanks to the lower sinking rate of the Rogallo (don´t know the exact rate but should be around 3m/s with my weight which result very soft landings every time) there is no such a big tension on the lines and the glider, so it´s easier to pull in by any of the lines, but I prefer to pull one brakeline very fast.


aerialanarkist's picture

Hay Pal,
gr8 vid! brang back memories of being in a simmlar position a year ago in my dune(L). was impressed that you were able to pull your glider in! I had 7or 8twists and also locked in full stall, there was no way i could pull the wing in, witch resalted in the wing and reserve(round) begin to osalate and colide with each other. also impressed with the stearable reserve, 1st time have seen one in use. nice work!