In the canopy - UPDATED

However 2 days ago I made nice 4 turn Tumblings, yesterday I managed to fall into the canopy right in the 3rd revolution of a very very bad Tumbling...

I wish you will never ever experience these moments!

2 cameras were filming the action, one from the startplace and another from the landing field.
Cick here to see the video of the accident

Latest Comments

viper's picture

Hi all!

Thanks for the information to Pal and Ricou!
Really nice tunes!

Safe flights to all!!!

PalTakats's picture

Hi Eric!!


Alain is a french instructor from Toulouse maybe, but I don't know exactly, not even his full name :-(

Safe landings!

Ricou's picture

Hi Pál

First : congratulations for your 5th position and the 11th one of Gábor in Paranoia Aerobatixx!
In the video "in the canopy" I heard a French voice, Alain who is?

To Viper : on the you can listen all music of Anima Sound System and it is possible to download them ... see mp3's url in the cache of the navigator.
For example Aquanistan mp3's url are : to . The quality is good (mp3, 192Kbps).

PalTakats's picture

Hi all!

Sorry for the late answer but it's the first time that I check the internet since we went to Paranoia.

Herminio: Nice to see you here! Thanks for the tip, I know I made big mistake then...Actually this accident helped me to respect the glider and tumbles more :-) One time was way enough from this experience.

elzorro: I always fly with 2 rescues, one rogallo (in the video) and a normal circulal parachute. I don't know the manufacturer, but it doesn't matter (actually not pappilon for sure). This kind of parachutes were also used as a rescue parachute of skydivers so it can stand out the forces of a high-speed opening as well. Actually they use another technique to fold it which opens a bit slower. You can see the "paragliding" technique we use at the end of the index.php?m=21&dl=131 Rescue movie, but only in fast motion :-)

Viper: The music of the clip made by a hungarian brand called Anima Sound System. This song is from the album of Aquanistan (2002). I uploaded two mp3 for you (the second is another, faster version of this song) click on the links below:
limlom/TRACK01.MP3 Track01
limlom/TRACK14.MP3 Track14

cool's picture

yesterday I was pretty close to fall to the canopy, but my angels saved me. I pulled three loops above Ossiacher See, the first and the second were perfect, the canopy was tight below me, but the third... The energy just gone due to bad timing and, time stopped, but nothing happened then. Next week I go for other tricks!

viper's picture

Hi Pal!
Great site, great movies, glad you made it safe and sound out of that hairy situation. Personaly I think that's the worst scenario that could happen.
I've got only one, a bit strane question, where is the music from the clip from, artist?, name of the song?, i think it's really cool!

Safe,flights to all!!!

maltej's picture

It's a papillon

elzorro's picture

BTW: is this the skydrive or the papillon-rescue which descended you this kind of softly?


elzorro's picture

Hi Pal!

Happy 2 see you making the really soft landing after this shit..

Hold on! And keep your Site living! THX for that!



herminiocordido's picture

Hi Pal, Happy that you are Ok!
When you say try a Ritmic, you mean stall the sat side and then hope it to pass?, hahahah Just Kidding.
On the video if you look closely, you can clearly see that when the glider asked for pressure on the second turn, you brake it too much.
The glider changed the direction he was pointing to, so it was diferent than the direction of the search foward and this is the recipe for disaster.
Hope it helps

audacium's picture

Hi Pal,

Glad you got out without any injury. Impressive video to show your children later in life :).

Maybe we meet on Friday in Zell am See, if you are not too busy during the runs? If not I wish you the best and a lot of fun for the Paranoia competition!

Best, Eduard.

PalTakats's picture

Dear Annie, Alex!! :-)

This rescue saved my ass two times in a week.
And we found one for you :-)

See you soon!


feelosofly's picture

well done pal! nice flying!
I think it's a very good method to neutralise the glide...

Annie & Alex

PalTakats's picture

Hi Zoli!

I don't have any experience with pirotechnical rescues, but I'm sure if it would be a big advantage acro pilots would use it. Up to know I didn't meet with anyone flying with that.

I prefer to fly with 2 rescues :-)

pogozoli's picture

I have a question about your rescue. What do you think about the pirotechnical rescues?
I know someone, who had a stupid accident and he is using now a pirotechnical rescue. He made a fullstall in Oludeniz, the right brake scrambled in the harness's zip and he couldn't release the break. He throw the rescue which entered somehowe in his face and he hit the ground in that position. Fortunately he was not injuried.

PalTakats's picture

As you can imagine it was my worst flying experience ever. I made 2 turns and I noticed that the second one doesn't have a lot's of energy but I thought I can do another revolution by a little rythmic. As you can see it was a very big mistake. At the moment the glider shoot I already knew I'll fall in or just very close the canopy, however I didn't see the glider (my body turned). In the next moment I hit the tip of my wing and started to fall down like a comet...The sound of the air was like in a strong deep spiral in my ears and I knew I have only seconds to open my rescue (it happened about 4-500 meter). I fall about 150 meter till my rescue opened. Now I have a second birthday :-)

arjan's picture

I guess it was a scary experience and I'm curious for the vid's, I'm downloading the others at this moment.

But a question:
How did you manage to get out of the wing ? Or will it be visible in the video ?

Really interested in a somewhat more detailed report about this experience ! I mean... for me this is 'worst case scenario' and the no.1 reason I'm not qualified to do tumbling soon ; )