
Uff, no updates since a while! Unfortunately in the last weeks we barely had internet connection, and it is normally everywhere very slow…
After we spent 2 beautiful weeks on the island of Florianópolis we traveled to Alfredo Chaves (Espírito Santo), but couldn’t catch good weather there, only some heavy thunderstorms. Then, a few days ago we arrived to Govenador Valadares (Minas Gerais), where we are enjoying the hospitality of the local club (AVVL), who invited us to perform aerobatics during the upcoming Valadares Open FAI2 XC competition, which every year brings a lot of pilots here from all over the world.
Till now the flying conditions were not great, the season was pretty rainy, but since we arrived the weather started to be better and it was possible to practice acro or fly shorter cross countries. I also couldn’t stand out not to leave my acro wing at the hotel and fly a 60 km distance. I love to fly XC as well, but I flew only with acro gliders in the last year so I couldn’t do it at all, but here I will be able to play a little bit. However, it’s also incredible to make acro from cloudbase in front of the giant rock face, Ibituruna!

Check out the photos in the latest galleries:

Govenador Valadares
Alfredo Chaves
Florianópolis - Praia Brava

Latest Comments

PalTakats's picture

Hey Ove!

Yeah man, our new big movie will be ready soon, we are preparing a short trailer to upload in the next few days.

Here in Valadares the weather turned to be shit for the last 3 days, a lot of gringos moves to the south already, looking for better conditions, but we stay here, probably till the end of the upcoming competition.

See you soon!

OveT's picture

Hey guys! Nice pictures! Hope you have some nice flights and also some good training! What's happening to your upcoming video? Is it soon ready? I hope so! :-)
Anyway, enjoy Brazil and all the flying!
See you later!

cool's picture

Yey man, tell stories abut nightlife in brazil, don'be shy!!!