Dear justACRO visitors and fans!

My name is Pál Takáts, the creator of this website. The idea came more then 6 years ago as I was struggling on the little Hungarian mountains to learn acro tricks by watching the very few videos available on the internet. Since then the acro scene has changed a lot, the sport is getting more and more popular. I am proud to see that today we have close to 4000 registered users and the site receives an average of daily 1000 visitors from more than 100 countries! When it was created in 2005 it was not prepared to serve such a fast growing scene like ours turned out to be. We are a truly big community now!

But still, during the year we only got a few events and happenings to write about, which is not a lot. There is so much more that happens „out of the reflector lights” that YOU could share with the world: Your personal experiences, successes, adventures, journeys...My dream is to transform justACRO to be a real „living” epicenter of acro, a place that links us together. I know there is Facebook and such things but I believe we deserve better than that...

So, it is time to make some serious re-construction and developments towards a really interactive system where everybody can add his own little part to build something big together! Lupus, my good friend, acro pilot and web-designer is going to work on all the new features as he already did in the last years. We apologize for any inconvenience in case the website turns off-line or some functions will not work temporary.

Since is often associated with my name and activities, I am now creating a personal website to completely separate these two things.
justACRO should be a purely independent information source an online meeting point of our sport!

Your comments and ideas are more very welcomed!

Soft landings,

Latest Comments

flyingdiglu's picture

yup but dont know about this work

justACRO's picture

Thanks Alex, he offered his help and will make this site better. Anyone else dare to help us? :)

alexpauferro's picture

Hi lupus, chek my private reply..

lupus78's picture

Dear justACRO users! We are arriving to the point to reveal the new features on the site, but i need some helping hand before it can happen. I would need a few of the motivated users of our site to help me do some data input stuff. Nothing special, just fill in a few data. It would take a few hours work if 3-5 people volunteers to help us.
If you are interested, please contact me via this form:

Thermikfresser's picture

Great Idea!
Go for it...!

Raven's picture

Great! Love the website to remind me Im not the only person wanting to do things a bit more fun! Keep up the amazing web site!

Slider's picture

Maybe the acro community could just join Paragliding forum, with a dedicated "just"acro section instead of the current siv/acro section.
A forum is the most interactive system you can imagine and it has all subsections possibilities, news, events, gear, videos and so on, plus it would give a better visibility towards the whole paragliding community.

Just my 2 cents

jorgejnhr's picture


cruelangeltesis's picture

Congratulations! And very good work guys!

shams's picture

That's a goooood news!