AcroJam 2011 - first day

The first day of the Acro Jam in Obertraun (Austria) started with a rainy morning and the first briefing at 8'o clock. The weather forecast was promising and around 11 the pilots were sent up to Krippenstein in the hearth of the impressive Dachstein mountain range. Under fully covered sky the first solo run has started with light but managable back-wind. After 10 pilots suddenly the sun came out and the wing from south-east got pretty strong (from bad direction) so the task got stopped and most of the pilots flew down for a fun flight, taking-off from some tiny rocky spots on the windy side. At 4 in the afternoon another briefing was held and the rest of the solo pilots were sent up again, unfortunately due to the wind conditions they could not fly. Check out the videos from today!

More infos, pictures and videos at:

The Acro Camp :-)