12 years ago
During the last weeks we have seen several pictures of a new acro wing flown by Horacio Llorens and heard Richard Gallon was traveling to Granada, Spain, to visit Raul Rodriguez. We were curious and asked: "Yes, I went to south of Spain to see my friend Raul at his home. We tested two new prototypes and accessories coming out of our new cooperation 'La Fusion'." Richard told us.
Read on for more...
Since the beginning Richard Gallon and Raul Rodriguez were good partners; they found the SAT team, tried new moves with their paragliders, traveled and learned together which coined a completely new way of flying. After some years both did what they always wanted to do and launched the first freestyle paragliding brands - 'RR Acro Wings' and 'AIRG Products'.
With 'La Fusion' they got finally reunited - following the principle of exchanging their knowledge and making new things possible.
"Richard always was a point of reference for me, when he released the Emilie I flew it and was hallucinated; energy, tension, elasticity. Without doubt the best wing I ever tried, I was in love." Raul says.
So the new cooperation between 'AIRG Products' and 'RR Acro Wings' began with their first common project the 'AKIRA', Raul's new acro wing based on the AIRG Emilie with his personal brake setup. Currently they are working on a new freestyle tandem and accessories (paragliding & speedriding) together, with further projects in mind...
AIRG: "We are proud to have Raul at our side and appreciate his huge experience and motivation he brings with him! Viva La Fusion"