10 years ago
justACRO: Hey Horacio! You and Hernan Pitocco just released your new Video: “Redbull Slingshot”. How this idea did came up?
Horacio: The truth is that this idea is on my mind since a long time. The first, who did the free fall from a paraglider during infinity tumbling was Antoine Montant a few years ago.
I have seen Pal Takats doing aerobatics with the tandem many times, so for sure the Slingshot was in front of us - we just needed the tools. With the help of Supair we created a special harnesses with a three ring system. So we could disconnect the pilot and the passenger from the tandem in the same time and free fall.
justACRO: Who was the main pilot and who pulled the release? How did you decide?
Horacio: I was the pilot who was in charge to do the tumbling and keep the Infinity straight. Hernan Pitocco had the responsibility to launch us in the right moment.
Both of us wanted to be the pilot so we decided by playing the game "rock-paper-scissors" and I won. (laughs)
Anyway both of us had a very important task to do.
justACRO: In a split of a second of the video you can see Hernan in your Tandemacrowing. What was going through your mind, as you saw this?
Horacio: That was the first time we practiced and our idea was to leave the tandem going up to have the feeling of a climbing free fall. But the truth is that the strong winds (+50km/h) moved the tandem when we leaved, that's why the tandem was under us when we started to free fall.
So when i saw Pitocco in front of me and the white material of the tandem bellow him I knew he was going to be in problems. Like always there is no time for fear, just time for the reaction and Pitocco moved like a ninja to leave the canopy in less than one second.
justACRO: Respect guys! Keep on going like this. Thank you for the Interview. We wish you two a nice upcoming season 2015!