justACRO Photo Contest - FINAL VOTING

The time has come!

Please make your vote now for the picture you like the most from the selected images!

Click here to see the justACRO Photo Contest FINAL gallery with the best shots!

1st price:
Custom sized justACRO flying suit, Flying the Holy Land DVD, justACRO T-Shirt, line cutter knife.

2nd price:
Flying the Holy Land DVD, justACRO T-shirt, line cutter knife

New website of justACRO Team

I'm happy to inform you that the new website of justACRO Team (former Soft Landing ACRO Team) has been released and available at justacroteam.com.
Check out our introduction, read about news, activities of the team and have fun watching our photo and video gallery!

BrasilAcro Live!


Live broadcasting of the BrasilAcro competition! The Master category with the best pilots has been already finished, but the Juniors are still racing in these moments! Price giving cenemory coming soon! Check it out!


Racing in the south...

As the sun, the competition scene is also moving to the south hemisphere following the summer. The 3rd edition of the Acroandes contest was held in Salta, Argentina and has finished a few days ago.

The results:

1st - Félix Rodriguez (Spain)
2nd - Bernd Hornböck (Austria)
3rd - Marcell Schrittwieser (Austria)

5th - Federico rodriguez
6th - Xandi Mechu
7th - Martin Gruber
8th - Nahuel Arcuri
9th - Todd Weigand
10th - Sergio Casasa
11th - Celine Barman

Pál Takáts and Gábor Kézi joined U-Turn


Pál Takáts (picture right side), the most successful acro pilot this season (1.place Acro World Cup 2007 - solo) and at present placed second in the FAI-Acro worldranking, and Gábor Kézi, ranked 18th in the FAI list, joined the U-Turn acro team. Both pilots employed up to now a glider that was developed by U-Turn Designer Ernst Strobl, but built by another manufacturer. Now the Hungarian pilots want to get the best of the continuosly enhanced original G-FORCE 360.