In the canopy - UPDATED


However 2 days ago I made nice 4 turn Tumblings, yesterday I managed to fall into the canopy right in the 3rd revolution of a very very bad Tumbling...

I wish you will never ever experience these moments!

2 cameras were filming the action, one from the startplace and another from the landing field.
Cick here to see the video of the accident

AcroTour 2006: Rescue


Last thursday I took Gábor’s G-Force to try some MacTwists and to check if the length of the brake is comfortable to enter the maneuver. However I already made lot’s of MacTwist with my glider probably I still do something wrong, because I twisted again exactly the same way like few weeks ago…I tried to spin the glider immediately to resolve the twists but somehow I turned further together with the glider and maybe even got some more twists (I’m not sure). Finally I was locked in Full Stall and threw the rescue.

111 Infinity Tumbling!

Raul Rodriguez has established a World Record of turns in Infinity Tumbling, the 15th of June 2006, at Passy Plaine-Joux !

Jumping out of a helicopter at the same height as the Mont Blanc (4807 m), Raul started for an incredible descent while realising 111 Infinity Tumbling with his NIVIUK N-Gravity.

He landed at Passy Plaine at Plaine-Joux where he was welcomed by the delighted public and the mayor of Passy, who gave Raul the medallion of the city of Passy, becoming in this manner citizen of honour.

Acrolac, Final results

Open FAI Solo results (2 valid runs)

1. MONTANT Antoine France 194,42
2. PRUNARETTY Hans France 164,67
3. CHATAIN Guillaume France 162,52

Results of the French championship (3 valid runs)

1. MONTANT Antoine 257,23
2. PLANTON cyril 229,12
3. CHATAIN guillaume 223,36

Synchro results (2 valid runs)

1. SOL TRIBAL ACRO 133,56 Brésil
2. SWISS TEAM 125,26 Suisse
4. SOFT LANDING 109,01 Hongrie
5. RICOLA FAT 102,72 Suisse
6. FAT ACRO CENOVIS 84,73 Suisse

Acrolac, second day

Like yesterday the briefing was early in the morning however the weather didn't look very good. The organizers decided not to complete the first solo task with the international pilots
8so it remains a run only for the French
championship) but to make another, free announced run for everybody. To the synchro competition another team joined in the last moment (the french Guillaume Cornet and Cyril Planton).