7 years ago
Registration here: https://no.surveymonkey.com/r/6WPCTTD
Info from the Extremsportveko site:
This is a FAI CAT 2 Acro competition and is organized under the Acro Paragliding World Tour.
We use a boat for towing which will provide the pilot with ca 800-1000 masl altitude.
There will be prize money for the winners.
The results from this competition will be the basis for the slot list for Expression Session, in which the pilots D-bag from a helicopter.
It is desirable that all pilots have experience with towing and a license for this before the comp starts.
For pilots who have not entered FAI CAT 2 comps before there will be an safety run before the first run in the comp.
All rules are according to the FAI rules set out in Section 7B of the Sporting Code.
Sign up HERE
There is a limited amount of slots, so sign up as soon as possible to ensurer your place.
Mandatory info in sign up: FAI sporting license, issuing country, name, nationality, email address, sponsor (optional), CIVL ID
Local Rules
Vertigo Voss is sanctioned as an FAI category 2 aerobatics competition.
This year it will also be a part of the Acro Paragliding World Tour
It is a solo aerobatics competition using the Evolution format with modifications.
Competition days are Monday 26th and Tuesday 27rth of June, weather day/finale is Wednesday 28th of June.
Registration is in order of first come first serve. The registration is open from 1st of May. Payment has to be finalized by 10th of June, after that the slot goes to the person first on the waiting list.
Registration, general briefing and equipment check is Sunday 26th at 11:00, nearby the main festival tent. Location will be announced later. All participants must have payed and gotten their festival pass before the registration. Festival passes can be picked up by the festival tent from Sunday.
Entry fee
Registration fee is participants pass to Ekstremsportveko 1800 NOK .
With ekstrempass you get free entry to all competitions during Ekstremsportveko and access to all concerts, todays video and parties during the festival.
Prize money
There is a total of 10 000 NOK, the money is awarded with 5000 NOK to the winner, 3000 to the runner up and 2000 to number 3.
There is also goodies for number 4 and 5, and also for the girls.
Safety selections (from Aerobatics annex to Section 7B-Class O)
Safety selection is compulsory for all pilots who haven’t previously been ranked in any FAI competition.
All the pilots who already appear in the WPRS do not need to participate at the safety selection.
The aim is to demonstrate the pilot’s ability to fly the competition. The program of the safety selection flights will be decided by the judges and concerned pilots will be informed during the main briefing.
We use towboats for launching, all pilots must be qualified for towing before the competition starts.
Official manoeuvres
All pilots entering the competition should be able to safely perform the following manoeuvres:
Full stall + exit
Tail slide + exit
Wing over
Placement and drift
Management of altitude Flow, rhythm, connection, originality, diversity
Elimination if:
– The pilots’ skills are insufficient to perform the minimum required manoeuvres for the competition
– The manoeuvres are performed unsafely.
– No respect of the flight box (including the drift).
– Other safety reasons…
Meet director
Åsmund Birkeland
All the following are subject to change.
Sunday 25th of June
1100 – 1300 Registration, briefing, equipment check, location to be announced
Monday 26th of June
07:45 Briefing Safety selection run, Prestegardslandet, by the festival tent
08:00 Safety selection run, Prestegardslandet, by the festival tent
10:00 Briefing Run 1, Prestegardslandet by the festival tent
Tuesday 27th of June
09:00 Briefing Run 2, Prestegardslandet, by the festival tent
Wednesday 28th of June (Weather Day)
11:00 Briefing Final run, Prestegardslandet, by the festival tent
20:30 Prize Giving Ceremony