15 years ago
Yesterday another solo and synchro run was held at the World Air Games, finally with optimal conditions, higher cloudbase, light wind and lot's of sunshine. In solo many of the top pilots performed flawless tricks at an extremely high nivo, giving only a couple of point differences in the techical scoring, so the landing points got very big importance. justACRO Team pilots Pál Takáts and Gábor kézi finished first and second, followed by the french superstars, Cyrille Planton, Antoine Montant and spanish Raúl Rodriguez The overall ranking after run 2 is:
Rank - Nat. - Name - Run 1. - Run 2. - TOTAL
1. HUN TAKáTS Pál 93,05 | 94,46 | 187.51 pts
2. FRA MONTANT Antoine 91,52 | 90,14 | 181.66 pts
3. ESP LLORENS FERNANDEZ Horacio 91,59 | 89,90 | 181. 49 pts
4. FRA PLANTON Cyril 87,54 | 91,74 | 179,28 pts
5. HUN KéZI Gábor 82,61 | 94,37 | 176,98 pts
In synchro the Rodriguez Brothers performed an excellent run again, giving no chance to catch up for the followers, the justACRO Team and Against the Grain.
1 SAT Brothers 86,57 | 84,46 | 171,03 pts
2 justACRO Team 83,96 | 83,23 | 167, 19 pts
3 Against the grain Team 81,50 | 81,35 | 162,85 pts
Today is a resting day in the competition schedule with very-very hot weather. In the next 2 days another synchro and solo run is planned and the price giving ceremony will be held in Torino on friday and saturday. Stay tuned!