16 years ago
Hang-gliding and paragliding synchro aerobatics competition.
The Turin World Air Games
TurinAfter bidding for the new World Air Games, Turin scored victory on June 1st 2007 over four other finalists from Australia, United Kingdom, Russia and Denmark.
Contributing factors in the win were close attention to the FAI’s strict requirements, the favourable fall-out from the recent Winter Olympics in Turin and credentials founded in Italy’s hundred year aeronautical tradition, represented in the Turin area by firms such as Alenia Aeronautica, Thales Alenia Space, Selex Galileo Avionica, Avio, Microtecnica, not to mention the celebrated Department of Aerospace Engineering of the Politecnico (Scientific University).
The event, in its entirety, will not be limited to the purely competitive aspect. Apart from attractive opening and closing ceremonies, during the week of the World Air Games, a series of parallel cultural events and entertainments is planned, themed around flight, including a ?? of aeronautical films, themed exhibitions, construction of light aircraft in public in the city centre, contests for schoolchildren with little, basic, model aircraft, conventions of an aeronautical nature, concerts inspired by the world of flight.
In the spirit of the new-style World Air Games, the competitions, demonstrations and record attempts will take place in a very restricted geographical area, centred on Turin, thus allowing the spectators easy access to the greatest number of events possible. Of the planned 27 competitions, 21 will take place at the Turin-Aeritalia airport.
The hot air balloon competition will take place at Mondovi, Para-gliding and hang-gliding at Avigliana on Lake Grande, while the Indoor Aero-model contest with music will be held in Turin’s Palaruffini sports hall.
Particular attention will be paid to site accessibility for the disabled.
World Air Games: what are they?
WAG LogoThe FAI (Fédération Aéronautique Internationale), guarantor since 1905 of an aeronautical community counting 100 countries around the world including Italy, is the organisation that governs all international sporting aviation activities. It has the authority to regulate, promote and certify European, continental and world competitions and records in the various aeronautical disciplines: Aeromodelling, Parachuting, Gliding, Aerobatics, Hanggliding, Helicopters, Experimental aircraft, Ballooning, space and simulated flight.
The object of improving knowledge of the world of air sports and exploiting their educational and social potential led the FAI in 1995 to launch a multi-disciplinary, aeronautical initiative in the spirit of the Olympic movement, the World Air Games.
The first two editions, held in Turkey (1997) and Spain (2001) were an opportunity to test the concept, acquire experience and take advantage of the invaluable “lessons learned”.
Thus an entirely new formula was conceived for 2009.
Essential requirements
- maximum geographical concentration and simultaneous events for the 10 sporting disciplines involved.
- high degree of spectacle favoured by rules expressly adapted to that end
- strong media impact (e.g. images and data broadcast in real time, transmitted to earth onto maxi-screens and diffused via international television channels)
- participation limited to the world's top ranking names in each speciality
The Objectives
- To find the Champions of the World Air Games in each World Air Games discipline
- Create a sense of cohesion between different Air Sports disciplines and encourage friendship between the best air sports athletes in the world;
- Show the public the various air sports and promote public participation in air sports, attracting new participants to the various air disciplines
- Promote the knowledge and practice of air sports among the young
- Promote FAI-organised events among other sporting organisations and create an appetising platform for TV, internet, the media and other external partners
On the basis of these objectives, the World Air Games are projected to become the TOP world event for both the FAI and anyone interested in Air Sports.
It follows that the best athletes, the world's TOP, will challenge each other for the most prestigious title in Air Sports: the title of “Champion of the World Air Games”.
The FAI has the authority to regulate, promote and certify European, continental and world competitions and records in the various aeronautical disciplines: Aeromodelling, Parachuting, Gliding, Aerobatics, Hanggliding, Helicopters, Experimental aircraft, Ballooning, space and simulated flight.
More information about the WAG on the official website!
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If you've been invited to compete in this, please PM me . . . . I may need help with a ride from Geneva and then to Acrolac after! And some sponsorship too! : )