15 years ago
Ready for a new thrill?!?
Let your experts Gábor Kézi and Pál Takáts guide you into the world of this unique start technique! No mather if you are an acro freak or a serious cross country pilot who want to start an XC flight early from a hot-air balloon, we will show you how to get there safe!
The only minimum requirements to participate in this course are to be able to perform stall maneuvers safely and know how to manage twists and cravattes.
Location: Walensee, Switzerland.
Take-off site: Schrina (1320m AMSL)
Landing place: Walenstadt (425m AMSL)
- 17th October (reserve day 18th)
- 7th November (reserve day 8th)
Thomas' Second D-Bag from Thomas Kuehne on Vimeo.
The detailed program:
7:30 am – First meeting and welcoming at the landing place of Walenstadt.
7:45 - Briefing for the first solo „safety” flight, then drive up to take-off.
8:30 - All participants arrive to the startplace with one instructor, and fly out to perform several full-stalls over the lake, with the radio control of another instructor at the beach.
9:30 – Debriefing of the „safety” flight and moving to the D-Bag folding area
10:00 – Demo D-Bag folding and packing instructions, presented by the instructors.
10:45 – Individual packing of the D-Bags in a group of 2, both under the supervision of one of the instructors (the participants will help each other to pack their gliders, so everyone does it 2 times).
12:30 – Going up to the startplace with the first two pilots. The 2 tandems will be piloted by the instructors.
14:15 - Going up to the startplace with the other 2 participants, jump flights.
16:00 - Driving from Walenstadt to the Robair paragliding shop in Weesen to watch and copy all the video footages and share the experiences.
Price: 695 CHF
- 1 solo „safety” flight with radio control
- Folding lessons - tips and tricks, learning to pack individually with confidence.
- 1 D-Bag jump from tandem paraglider under the supesrvision by a professional instructor.
- Transports to the take-off site.
- Rescue boat, life jackets, radios
- Videos of the jump from 3 different camera angles
- A complete D-bag set (with integral safety belts, 3 ring system releasers and and rubber bands)
The D-Bag features:
- Made of strong Cordura material
- Suited for serial and acro gliders
- Easy to use
- Reliable, simple&strong construction
- 2 safety belts with velcro - easy to release and fix on the Bag before the jump
- 3 steel hook-up points (no need to use extra carabiners to link the releasers)
- Made in the EU, Hungary
Minimum number of participants: 4 pilots
For further information and to register to this course, please visit www.robair.ch to fill out the registration form, or in case of language difficulties contact us by phone at +41774464391.