How to correct Heli

Well, it's been i while since i've been trying to helico. Now i'm starting to use body to correct oscilation. But need some feedback from good helico guys. How do you manage "correct" the heli?


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Jai's picture

What's the answer on normal exit, why does the outer wing fold in then slowing the glider down with outerbrake? Even with the best of seasoned Acro pilots I see this happen all the time.

Jai's picture

I found your answer great, with very precise instructions and spot on I thought. Except for one thing that confuses me with your method on "Exit" that you actuelly put your body weight to the Negitive side. When in fact the pro's say, step one: weight shift to the Possitive side before doing anything else. Noting of course that the exit is normal and not stalled out so it also means your not occillating.

stefkopp's picture

Hello all,
I have a similar question... I've started to train helicos on my Ozone Octane 2. I believe (from what I have seen in other peoples videos) that helicos on the Octane 2 can be corrected effectively with the outside brake. However, I'm struggling to understand the timing.
As you can see on this video:
as the oscillation gets worse, the wing tips start to deflate (left, right, left, right etc.).
I was wondering if I can use the timing of the tiny deflations to understand when to pull the outside brake? Any comments?
Thanks and best regards,

fraents's picture

Thanks man.
I am not very much farther. I get good helicos from time to time, some seem endless, some I scrw up from the beginning. Some I have to stall out, some I can exit easily. sometimes I manage to tame an oscillation, sometimes I make it worse. But still I have no Idea of how to make proper corrections. Its a difficult thing!

cruelangeltesis's picture

hehe, its been a long time since i wrote this topic on (2009). Now that i am addicted to helicos, I am able to answer this for my self know :)


Helicoing is like a 6th sense, corrections are so subtle and "organic" that you have to learn to feel/read many "input" channels at the same time. Left/right break, position of wing, speed of positive side, speed of negative side, weight position, brake tension, speed of pilot, speed of wing, sincronization of both......

I thinks this is something you have to discover by yourself with constant, maniac, obsesive, patient practice, until all these theory is in each of your single body cells and your reactions become instinctive.

Happy helico practice! :)

sittingonacornflake's picture

I'm no pro but I can try to help. (I only got really good helis consistently about a month ago)

First up if you can enter perfectly with little or no oscillation this makes life much easier. Everyone has a different technique. You just need to practise loads and try slightly different entry styles until you find what works for you and your wing. This is a rough outline of my technique:

Make sure you have perfectly centred body weight. I know you think you do now but you probably don't took me a week of terrible helicos one direction and great ones the other direction to realise that i wasn't perfectly centred. It might help if you kick your legs out a little so you can feel your weight under you legs.

Brake smoothly until wing(and brakes) go soft, slowly and smoothly let them up but not all the way. Then just as the wing gets over head (this is where you need to experiment with timing and feeling) stop it with both brakes. This should be perfect deep stall. Practise this LOADS!!!!!!

The next bit all happens very quickly. Just as I stop it overhead I make a definite input on the wing I want to fly negatively (then my hand moves to the position where you can feel pressure on the wing as it flys backwards, too much it will be soft and it won't be fully open, too little it is soft and you lose energy). I slightly weight shift to the positive wing and SLOWLY and SMOOTHLY let the positive hand up. If you release this hand quickly it with fly quickly and start you oscillating.

Now if you are stable you can weight shift to the positive side more and release to positive brake all the way (both of these need to be gradual and SMOOTH!!)

To correct you just need to practise until you have the feeling and the timing (if what you're trying isn't working you need to try something different). It sometimes help to weight shift back to a neutral position and break the positive wing, slowing the heli down until its stable again (tail slide/stall out if its too unstable!!!!) then think about speeding it up again.

Smooth exits I weight shift to the negative side and brake the positive wing until its super slow. Then use both brakes to quickly put it in deep stall, re-centre my weight then let it fly. (if your exit feels bad or messy and you're worried about twists tail slide/stall out!!!!!!!)

If you can slow the heli down and get it into a perfect deep stall again (briefly) this is when to start the twister. I'm still practising this and only get it cleanly about 50% of the time so I can't help with that so much!

Like I said this is how I do it. You need to practise and work out what works for you and your wing/harness.

Hopefully this helps. Train safe and get out if it starts going bad!

bambam's picture

Me three... Any suggestions on making and keeping them perfect would be awesome... Also some help on cleaner exits and starting on the Twister!

Thanks, Jon Malmberg

fraents's picture

I am very interested in the same question. We need a pro here please ... pro?