8 months ago
(1 vote)
Dear experts
I am trying to learn the infinity entry
It is always not in the axis (always before, entry to the right).
the question is : I do not know what is wrong, so I do not know how to improve. Any suggestions are welcome !
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Thanks for the comment ! Very much appreciated
I use 0 brake when exiting the spiral, hard weight shift only. When I pass under the wing, it is still on the left side (when coming from a left spiral)
The later you pull after passing under the wing, the easier it is to be in the axis immediately, but the less energy you have
Thanks a lot ! I will try that
Or even wait till 7oclock to pull the right brake and let go of the brake before 12 oclock and it will shoot alot straighter with more energy because you have used less brake.
Hello. You are doing left spiral. Then you are going full right brake and right weight shift immediately. (Pulling to early and releasing to early)
Try. Left spiral. Then full right weightshift while still left spiralling. It will be locked in a left spiral and you will be weightshiting full to the right. Pull and release the right brake (use as little right brake as needed to keep full energy) pull and release. Dont hold the right brake like you are doing.
Once you exit the spiral (with as little brake as possible to keep full energy. You will still be leaning hard right.
As you swing through the bottom of the gate at 6oclock then pull hard right brake.
Wow! that is amazing. I am waiting to hear experts comment! Couldn't wait anymore to say its a great acheivement! Waiting to see more as you learn more. Thanks!