Hi guys,
are there existing any news about the base system?
My dealer says it's only buyable for World Cup pilots.
Thank you and best regards,

Latest Comments

Kimsmile's picture

Thanks for clearing things up, Thomas!

Thomas S's picture

maybe I should comment since it happend to me: I was twisted a couple of times and the wing went into a spiral dive with strong forces. I pulled the base, was detached and the base came out perfectly. I was twisted on the base a couple of times but after a couple of seconds the twist opened and I landed savely with the base canopy. After collecting the glider I saw that almost all the lines from the left side were broken were the original twist was. To be specific the coats opened and the actual lines were looking out. I think that the detachment was a bit asymmetric and together with the strong forces on the lines the coats broke. Some of them basically melted together.

There was no savety issue! The system worked well! Just some damages on the main gliders lines.


shitname's picture

Dear qiv, could you please give us some more details on this incident? What happend? Did the base canopy still allow for a safe landing? Was it with the supair base system? thx

qiv's picture

We had a case of severe line damage upon deployment from a fast twisted auto-rotation. Thus you might consider using your old harness with conventional reserves over water.

peterka's picture

Super, thanks for advice.


flyingin's picture

I am 180 cm and 84 kg and use a M Basesystem. It is perfect for me. I tried the L wich was much too large.

theo's picture


I used to fly an ava L as well and when I switched to Sup'air I got an M it fitted me well :)


peterka's picture

I plan to buy Sup'air Base harnes, but i can't find any in my country to choose proper size. Now i fly with Ava sport Acro L size and is a litle too big for me. I am 180 cm tall and i weigh 85 kg. Which size you recomande, M or L?


johnny's picture

Anyone have any good pictures / links / specs, of this system, where cutaway handles are what canopy they are using, how it is rigged etc... Seems like the way forward in reserve rides I think. Would love to hear/ see some more feed back. Cheers.

kusgra's picture

Base cut-away harness 2960 E. Ankle surgery, rehab, no flying for 4 months.... yeah the base cut-away sounds good. I'm already sold, just need sup-air to take my money :)

bardal's picture

Because I am looking for Acro 3 harness I received latest price list from Sup Air France. BASE SYSTEM with Bumpair, reinforced seat plate, release syst., light 255 ft² base jump chute reserve 7,7 Kg - 2 950 €. So the price includes canopy which is much better :)

konstrong's picture

a acro harness costs around €600 and a base around €1500
what are they thinking no one has 3k for a harness...

bardal's picture

I have seen the 2011 price list at the expo in Bassano del Grappa
...2980 euros :/ doubt this includes the BASE canopy as the one on the display was without it and seen THE price I didn't bother to ask.

konstrong's picture

does anybody know how much the new harness with the base canopy will cost?

PalTakats's picture

For the moment only some team pilots have it but the BASE harness will be ready for public sell in Jun-July. It will only be sold together with the BASE parachute that fits it and is recommended for the system.

Gusty's picture

Why don't you email them your question? ;-)
Don't know if it has something to do with their "monopoly", but their website shows very little information, and they never answer emails. Just for that reason, I don't buy their product.