Sounds of Paragliding

Sounds of Paragliding

Théo de Blic welcomes you to a unique experience: The Sounds of Paragliding. Listen to nature's harmony while the young pilot rhythms the melody with aerobatic paragliding.

|| Director : Shams -
|| Sound Engineer : Thibaut Darscotte -
|| Pilot : Théo de Blic -

|| Music : Thomas Newman - Brooks was here

French Championships | Eliot Nochez kept his crown

The French championship were hold last week over the beautiful lake of Annecy. And as this season France has been the strongest country in Aerobatics paragliding it had to be a high level fight ! Indeed the whole podium of the last World Tour ranking was here, and to this you have to add Tim Alongi winner of the last to World Cup in Italy and you have the 4 season's best pilots fighting for the national title.

And it was indeed epic, as we managed to perform 5 runs each one in different conditions with various altitude, drift, wind etc...

Sonchaux Acro Show Day 3

Sonchaux Acro Show Day 3

Last day of the Acro Battle! Congratulations to Rafael, Eliot, and Theo! We had an epic time meeting all of the amazing acro pilots and hope to return next year for some more fun!

AcroMax | France ruled once again the top spots

AcroMax the last event of this year Aerobatic World Tour has ended this sunday in Trasaguis, Italy. This event has been really challenging about the weather as we had 3 consecutives days without flying due to strong wind and heavy rain. Fortunately the weather cleared on saturday afternoon and we managed to complet 2 solo tasks and 2 synchro tasks.

Swedish Championships - Finished

Last weekend, the Swedish championships 2014 was held in Åre.
A flying place only allowing pilots with an acro glider doing three maneuvers program.

Making it better for beginners, but also more difficult as each pilot had to compose their program not only based on technical coefficients, but also altitude loss on each maneuver.
The Swedish Championships is an Open competition FAI cat2. Which allow pilots from any nation to participate. But only a Swedish pilot can become a Swedish champion.

It was a 3 days competition.