16 years ago
Hello everybody,
We are trying to convience danish flying government;0) about D-bag jump and how safe it is/or is it?;0)
We are trying to autorize every flying object, from what one can make d-bag as an altarnative start place for a paraglider in its d-bag.
Is there any others who have tried to do this kind of thing with possitive response from the government, which we can use as documentations in our application? or just refere to these contries?
Actually as our first step we want to applicate for one jump from a ballon and then try to convience them about the method. Its always easier in this way in Denmark;0)
So it would be nice if somebody sits with an approval from their government or only the applications process which we can refere to or fx. approved dispensations to do this fx. under a show, competition etc. Every kind of documentations can help us.
Then you can jump in Denmark once we make a competition in Denmark in 2010 or something;0)
Nice flights every body.
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We are doing the same thing now in Romania. We have the descriptions, documents about D-bagging from the Hungarian pilots, Gabor and Pal, and we are translating it.
Our authority for UL is on our side, so if they accept the documents, than the government also have to accept it. If we have luck, in two weeks we will have the regulation for D-bag.
I want to thank very much for Gabor and Pal for the descriptions!!!
Cheers, Zoli
Hi Essie,
I have sent you some info on how i went about getting Dbaging authrised in NZ. let me no if i can be of more help.
I found the other topic 2. time i read through the forum;0). I'll try to contact the guy from New Zealand.
Still am interested in other stuff as well.