15 years ago
Hi folks.
Today after dynamic flying with hearphones blowing music into my ears I've hit an idea of movie that I would like to see. It's about dancing in third dimmension, something that Gabor was talking about several times. But this time it should be done in old style dancing - with partner, as a couple. And for that the person you need guys is... Judith Zweifel.
Imagine that. She's sitting on take off grass, chatting with her friends. Let's say, Gabor goes to them, smiles to Judith lifting his hand into her and askin' "Would you like to dance?" She smiles back, takes his hand and together they are running to their gear laying at the side. They strap in, hit the thermals, and start passionate synchronic acro dance... All that with some cool music in the background. When I think about it - it blows my mind. Power of youth, power of movement, power of love... in flying.
Well, I'm signing off.
Think about it.
Grupa 303 - Polish Paragliding Club in the UK
Glory to RAF 303 Polish Fighter Squadron
Latest Comments
:D you are smoking to much or drinking, but anyway fantastic idea :-)