Frontstall Landing

Hey guys,

a few months ago I heared about a Frontstall Landing.
Just in a few meters above the ground the pilot pulls the A-Risers to provoke a frontstall. Then a few meters nearer to the ground he inflates the paraglider by pumping again and makes a more or less softly landing.
I have not seen a frontstall landing yet but I can imagine that you can get a very dirty harness by trying this :D

Has anyone seen such a landing yet?
Do you have a video footage?


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PalTakats's picture


I usually use front stall to topland especially when the wind is strong and you cannot pull the brakes to stall the glider, because it would generate too much lift and/or you fly backwards. But instead of the technique you've described I only pull it when I'm already very close to the ground, at most 1 meter high. You have to make a big collapse to generate a vertical descent. Just after the glider collapses I hit the ground softly and at the same moment I pull down the brakes quickly to kill the wing (it's easy because the airflow already gone). The main danger is if the glider reopens before you touch the ground, that's why I would not recommend to do this when you are higher.

Good luck!