Acro River

Acro River event - comments

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gaborkezi's picture


The justACRO version of Brasil Acro Tour Part 2 is still under edition, and it will be uploaded to the videos gallery soon(er than later :)


bernd's picture

as it seems now we will not go because there is no information nowhere. no homepage, no mail from the organizer, etc.

i have seen the new brasil acro part2 on fabios youtube-page. great pictures and nice synchro !

all the best - Bernd

gaborkezi's picture

As we see our plans now, we cannot go to this comp: it is too early, too far, too expensive...

Anyway, I would be interested, who goes?
Do you go with Xandi?

. )( .

bernd's picture

hey pilots,

is anybody going there or do you know any details ?
i haven't heard anything until now.

auto perché - Bernd :)