15 years ago
Hi to all!
I am about to buy a new wing. i'm looking at some free stylers since i am a newbie in acro.
Will you please share experience and ideas about the choice of a wing?! What is suitable for a beginner and still dynamic and not too expensive?
My first choise so far is F-Gravity by Niviuk but i am not 100% sure.
My experience - not much - a few SAT's, stalls, negative spins, wing overs...
Thanks to all!
Chavo from Bulgaria
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Thanks for your comments guys!
the gravity will hopefully be mine in a few weeks i will be flying it for the first time:)
take care!
Thanks to all for the answers. I think i will go for the F-Gravity.
Any ideas what free-style wings are expected on the market this season? Anything looking good?
Ciao Chavo,
My opinion beter for u is one glider little bit biger and fast, something free stayl.
If u intresting I have one ATIS 2 FREESTYLE, with 1000 euro ,this in first stape and after learne very well all trik can buy the very dinamic and fast ACRO glider.
More detail u find here:
Blue Sky & Happy Landing Loco Mad Marius
keep an eye on the nikita 2 from icaro in size 21, it has high dynamic but it´s also flyable for talented pilots who have already experience in acro. It´s a very good choice if you want to go furhter but not with a too small compacrowing
keep reaching goals
Just get it!
I love my FG and learned a lot with it already! I'm flying for not almost 2 Years now and changed from my 28m2 DHV1-2 wing to the F-Gravity 3 months ago. And I fly big WO, dynamic stall, loops, little rythmic sat and made some good helicos already too!
And it is fast and a lot of fun with a very good glide!
I'm also flying with F-gravity, and I had started acro with this wing. I did just a few SATs, wingovers and fullstalls with other gliders before, but I can't say that was acro.
I'm 100% satisfied with this wing. SAT is a piece of cake, WOs are high and dynamic, loopings feel good, Assymetric SAT is super cool, very fast entry. I can't do helicos yet, but this year I'm going for it.
So my suggestion is to buy one.
Fly safe Acro! Zoli
I'm flying with an F-Gravity 20 and it's a very nice wings.
I'm just starting learning helis with this glider but some friends told me that it's the most easiest wing that they ever fly for this trick.
For full stall it's very easy and the flying backward is very "stable". For SAT it's just very simple.
It have a good behaviour in thermals, no tendency to stay too much backward contrary to other acro wings and have a pretty good ratio descent.
Sylvain from st hilaire