15 years ago
Hi guys (and ladies ofc)
I am a beginner in acro and fly now a team 5 blue(s).I feel ready to upgrade but The Team5 black is currently to difficult for me. Is the acrominator96 a good in-between glider? Are there pilots who flew them both or have experience with the acrominator. Please give as much info as possible. A VERY BIG THX
Latest Comments
Beter to try the thriller 22 by U-turn is the best one and very safe. After first fly u will fall inlove with it :-)
Best Regard
Loco Mad Marius
Tel: + 40 723 333 193
Acrominator 96 is a good freestyle wing between blue and Black, but the Dynema lines streching after hi g force. I would to advise you acrominator pro 105 ! 21 sm flat and komplett kevlar line set! this is your missing link after the blue! greets