14 years ago
Does anyone has experience doing some acro with paramotor? What type of harnesses should be? What kind of tricks can prformed? I saw some videos posted on internet where pilot performs SAT, looping, wing overs - it's normal and not difficult tricks. What about Helico, MacTwist and other more difficult tricks?
Thanks in advance for answers.
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@ Filip
I agree with you about the cage size, it might cause trouble.
But it is not that hard to get a smaller propeller and adjust the frame for Acro.
BTW, I didn't post this topic, Minddel asked the question about harness
@ Minddel
I'm using the original Kobras harness and buckles are manufactured by Austria Alpin (no so easy to get out of it)
i have been flying paramotor for a long time, and mostly i fly with motor.
i started flying acro only 2 years ago but i can tell you that tumbling is possible with my PXP paramotor and ozone viper 24.
I'm only starting to do helico so i have no experience with this on paramotor. but i have seen someone doing it with a gradient freestyle and miniplane.
i personally think that you will get twists really easy because of the big cage.
Blue skies,
Hello Friend,
I fly a U-turn G-force wing. Wing's max load in non paramotor flight is till 105 kg. My take of weight is max 110 kg. What type of hanging system do you have? What tricks have you made by yourself? Wing Overs, deep spirals are very easy to perform. What about full stalls, asymetric SATs helicos?
Thank for your answers in advance!!!
I'm doing all the simple stuff (wing over, SAT, spiral) with my Kobra Rocco and it simply can handle it.
I got in touch with Kobra and they told me that the connection between the harness and the engine is sufficient enough to handle most maneuvers but I should perform one at a time then land and check everything and the another two and then recheck again.
One thing I would be very concerned about is the buckles. Some paramotor harnesses (like mine) are not so easy to release the buckles in case of a water landing. I'm thinking about changing the buckles to Sup Air buckles that are much easier and faster to open with one hand.
There's not much information around about Acro PPG.
Which wing you're using and what is your in-flight weight?