Quick Out Carabiners

Can someone share their experience with the quickout carabiners.

This is the one I am interested in

Has anyone used it while towing ? Any ideas if it can be used with an avasport acro harness & an u-turn obsession setup.

Thx for your info,

Latest Comments

paal's picture

If you want to understand the 3-ring system. Also read this:

I also made this drawing to explain. http://www.downteam.com/artikler/ring_reduction.jpg

I'm not saying that the acro-zone system do not work. I only say it is not the 3-ring system.
I will work, but not with the same reduction in force as the 3-ring system has.
And in real high 3-force situations, this could be a problem.


paal's picture

The 3-ring system on the acro-zone harness is wrongly built, and will not work as a 3 ring system. If that picture is correct.

The first ring will work correctly, but not the second. The third is the carabiner itself, witch also should have the form of a ring to work perfect. But since ring 2 is wrong anyway, this doesn't matter.
The second ring should be mounted further up in contact with the third ring (carabiner) .

3-ring system works in the way that the rings DO NOT slide thru each other. But tilts/rotats. It should not be a sliding system that only halfes the forces, but a level-arm system that reduces the forces much more for each ring.
But they can NOT say they use a 3-ring system, because it's not. They have 3 rings, but not the 3-ring system,.

The Rauls supair system have done it correctly.



rich69's picture

sorry, i can't comment on towing as I have never tried it, but there is almost no extra space in the carabiners.

eduskywalker's picture

i think, i going to put 3 ring release systems in my harnes and i going to have a system like a Raul System (RR base)


Raul use the 3 ring Release system like a Skydiving?

i would like to know...!!

Rishi's picture

Thx Rich. Have you towed with it..or do you have to have special setup for that too. The rep from Charly was not very clear ..but seemed to suggest "express sling" for towing. Dont know what that is..he has a picture but that does not make it very clear either.

Andy & Dany, Thx for the pic of the 3 ring system & the info. What harness is that ? Do you think this 3 ring system can be integrated into my existing harness ?

Thx for all your information.

rich69's picture


I have just put the quick outs on my Avasport Acro T. It is tight as the strap to the back also joins directly to the carabiner but it does fit. I put the strap to the back in first then the inside of the main loops (red loop) which sit inside the C shape formed on the back straps, then finally put in the chest strap.

I have it hooked up to a Free force so no reason why it shouldn't go with your obsession.


eduskywalker's picture

3-ring release sytem (skidiving)..? i need to see that , can you put the link please.

dany_studer's picture

Hy Rishi
I fly since 1 year with quickout carabiners. They work very well even in case of emergency.
After you throw the rogallo, you ca quickout one side an reef the the wing easy between
your legs. When you have no time then quickout your wing complete an you can land easy
with the rogallo. In swiss fly many people with this system. Now it gives a harness with
a 3-ring system like in skydiving. See on www.acro-zone.com. It have a very good design
and work well.