14 years ago
Hi, i was wondering starting acro since not long ago ( im 17 years old ), i was wondfering witch wing is nice from uturn. I saw the Free Force but does this wing pass infinity ?
Or then a Morpheus or thriller but it looks like a small wing ( the morpheus ).
Aswell i will not by a new wing wet so if other gliders come out in the year i would be interested to.
For info I do Sat's, full stall, wings, spirales. Trying Héli soon.
Thanks for answering.
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Im beginning acro and need a new wing...was thinking the Free Force 24. I'm launching flying weight at 107 kg or so..110 tops
U Turn website bases my weight to a Free Force 26 ..is that right?
Im thinking the Free Force 24....thoughts??
looking trimmed but weight still matches the thriller 20 for wingloading ;)
i have a 10kg L2 vertebrae i think, not a pie addiction like you Z!
what's all this trimmer concern going on here- just alter your diet to trim speed... that's what Z and i have done and we fly fast!!!!
You weren't that thin when I saw u last dude, r u trimmed now?
hi dudes...
i think alex you gave the answer to yourself. Thriller is a real competition glider...and i dont think you´re in the state of flying competition with the things you are doing right now ;-) go step by step...otherwise you maybe get easily in situations you wont be!! and you will have more success and wont be scared by the high dynamics
although everybody says thriller is the best acroglider it is stable and safe....it is an acro competition glider and not for beginning acro/freestyle...please keep that in mind.
i started (and still fly) with an ozone octane flx 25 with an starting weight of about 120kg and its adequate. i tryed thriller 22 this summer and in fact i was a little bit scared by the high difference in dynamics!!!
depending on your starting weight try a freestyle glider like freeforce 22 or 24 if you want uturn or maybe try the octane 22 or 25. i also read that there will be an thriller 24. if you want to be sure that this glider would fit to you ask pal!
save landings and greets
U-Turn Italy told me that Thriller is delivered with trims so I guess only first versions doesn't have it.
that's coz ur a fatboy Zebur! hehe
My Thriller don't have any trims but It has an excellent trim speed already, it smokes most other gliders and you simply just don't need them !
as I heard some ships with trims, some others without it. I guess when you'll order you can choose, if you want it or not.
I don't know others, but I have never used it in my Morpheus, totally useless for me.
Little question for trhiller owners: I've seen on the thriller datasheet that this wing has (obviously) an accelerator AND trims but a few weeks ago I saw a video and I wasn't able to see the trims. Does it really have a trim system? I'm asking this because for soaring it is really a very helpfull system
i find that the emilie is a awesome wind as well! i think is worth a shot trying it.
Hello Nelson,
If u do all ready helico, misty u can fly easy with Trhriler 22 without eny problem.
Thriller is very very good with very high stablity and convidence, I don't have yet eny problem :) whit 22.
If u want mor detail please send me PM.
Thriller is the best ACRO wing in the word, for the moment sorry for another pilots, fly with eny brand but this is the truth.
Best Regard
Loco Mad Marius
Tel: + 40 723 333 193
Hey Marius, i have same take off weight than you. Actually flying a Fgravity 22 , helicos, misty... i love the stability and solidity of this wing.
Looking for next glider, myabe rolling 22 or thriller 22. Have you had any nasty situations with the thriller, heard it has very nasty cravattes.
Triller 22 is more like perfect is betuin 100-130, I have 78 kg and in fly with all equitment I have + - 90 - 95kg and for me Triller 22 is good. But If u are beginer in ACRO is beter buy Free-Force leann all step by step and start have confidence.
Best Regards
Loco Mad Marius
Tel: + 40 723 333 193
Hi, Thanks for the answer. I recently saw that they are gonna do a Thriller 24 m2. That could be interesting. Because Thriller is a real competition wing i think. I'm not shure it's really my level. But a slitly bigger wing should be nice. :O
Hello Alex,
there in ACRO glider U-turn, is 2 option:
Free Force 24, or Thriller 20 or 22. Triller is very nice glider, I fly with 22 (100-130kg ) and I was very surprice about speed and very good stabilty, with very big senzation for safe.
Best Regard
Loco Mad Marius
Tel: + 40 723 333 193