14 years ago
this might be a dumb question, but I was wondering how you connect the second reserve to the Acro 3. If I want to put a Rogallo in the bottom container, is it correct that I attach it to carabiners on the shoulder straps? If then I want to put a round one in the back container, where do I attach that one to?
Maybe someone can explain it to me and might even have a manual for it or knows where I can find pictures of it. Thanks in advance and safe flights over the winter!
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I don´t, I was just asking because I was wondering wether it makes a difference when there are two rescues attached to a carabiner rather than one. Thanks for your help anyways.
doh, damn dude u shouldn't be flying acro if ur asking questions like what karabiners to use :P
Thanx man, so you attach both reserves to the carabiners on the shoulder straps. What kind of carabiners do you use? Just for understanding, isn`t there a greater chance that the rescues get tangled up than if they were attached at different points?