13 years ago
Does anyone of you has informations about when it will be available and how it will be?
I remember an article on XC Country where Raul was speaking about it, and the matrix 2 too, tests on winter and released for the new season....which is very near
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Here is the answer from Raul I received a few weeks ago.
Things seam to go well and comments about Matrix II added to the one we can read on the youtube link are very very very....
This week I will get the new Radix II 17.7, I will have a test on it and tell you something, at the moment I test Radix II 19.5 and it works really good, now it has a perfect helico maneuvers and the we keep the same SAT maneuvers felling as before, really good I’m so happy.
After this week will be possible order the Radix II.
Then I will finish Matrix II in same way as Radix II, just to get the best Helico maneuvers possible and keep SAT as now we have.
Raul is a real awesome guy, always available.
It's out on youtube now.