Hi, does anyone have experience flying acro with zoom. I am not acro pilot but want to learn easy tricks (wing over, SAT, full stall...)with my zoom.
Obviously not best wing for acro...
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by dimbo
18 years ago
i have an S. It seems OK for SAT's, heli, stalls, spins etc. High break pressure at stall point makes mctwist etc very difficult
The zoom is not bad at all for acro. I do SAT's , W.O., A-symatrics and full stalled it a few times while going negative while doing SAT. Very controlable.
I fly an S with 100-105 TOW.
Bought an M for XC. The S is harder in weak thermals.
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i have an S. It seems OK for SAT's, heli, stalls, spins etc. High break pressure at stall point makes mctwist etc very difficult
The zoom is not bad at all for acro. I do SAT's , W.O., A-symatrics and full stalled it a few times while going negative while doing SAT. Very controlable.
I fly an S with 100-105 TOW.
Bought an M for XC. The S is harder in weak thermals.