Delivering problems

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drsat's picture

I've ordered a Cherokee tandem glider from the Aerodnye last November. I've got it in december. My girlfriend has flown with a passanger and by a take off the glider broke in two. As Aerodyne said it happened because there was too much sewing point by the trailing edge.. I've sent the glider back in the middle of February and was waiting.. They said they will send a new glider. So I was waiting. In April they told me they have problems by the production, because they have not enough lines, so still waiting.. At the end of April - as I sent, God knows how many emails - they told me they will deliver it by Laposte. Now it is the 18. 05. 2006. and nobody knows where my Cherokee is. So, if you are plenning to buy any glider, don't forget: Aerodyne is not the company whom you can trust.