I was wondering about what is the best bullet cam for flying?
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by terry
17 years ago
Hey there!
First of all apologies.. it seems everytime i leave a comment its cos im selling something ;-)!
I have just recently bought one of the ATC 2K (about £100) and am selling it if anyone wants it - make me an offer! The only thing is, i dont have the rubber strap that you use for attaching the camera to the helmet. Other than that it is only be used a couple of times - it comes with a 2gb sd card.
Anyway, this camera is alright but not very good in low light as you will see. Did'nt bother flying with the camera as it aint too good for onboard acro (unless you have a wide angle lens).
The link I put out yesterday that i got from Titi (Michel Macquet) was wrong, the correct one is: http://www.camera-sports.fr/
and if you write Titi (He's registerd here) he can give you a code to get a discount, that also goes for the biotech-helmets he promotes http://www.bios-pro.com/en/index.php?loc=home
I've sendt a mail to the ATC2K asking if it is possible to change the lens, or get one custom made with a wide-angle. If I get a response I will put it here on the forum.
Don't get the SD card version yet they're not good enough at the moment.
I have three bullet cams and they are all 520 lines and I've bought them from actioncameras and rfconcepts, both good online stores.
My advice is to buy a number of lenses. You can get fish-eye, several differnet wide-angle and normal.
A moderate wide andle is good so that you can get a lot in the shot but too much power on the lens and everything looks too small.
The mistake NOT to make is to use bullet cams all the time... If you watch my film AirDrenaline you'll see me and Arjan tried to mix it up with Air-to-Air shots filmed with the video camera and a little bit of zoom. You can't zoom a helmet cam and air-to-air shots are much better filmed without them.
Take lots of velcro and insulating tape... You'll need these to rig up various mounts and angels and the tape is invaluable. Once you have your set up running and recording, tape up all the switches, leads and connections so that nothing can turn-off or disconnect. Trust me I have taken a lot of "great footage" only to find that there was a loose conection somewhere and I got nothing. Better to put a 60 minute video tape in your recorder and get it set up and recording then get ready to launch. If you have 10 mins of pre-launch that you can throw away that's better than to worry about saving a few minutes of recording time a trusting the connections and switches on you equipment not to move when you are pulling Gs.. insulating tape- insulating tape and more insulating tape is the way forward. Buy several rolls of electrical insulating tape ... you can't have too much of it for taping up all the connectors, switches battery packs and leads!
Latest Comments
Hey there!
First of all apologies.. it seems everytime i leave a comment its cos im selling something ;-)!
I have just recently bought one of the ATC 2K (about £100) and am selling it if anyone wants it - make me an offer! The only thing is, i dont have the rubber strap that you use for attaching the camera to the helmet. Other than that it is only be used a couple of times - it comes with a 2gb sd card.
Anyway, this camera is alright but not very good in low light as you will see. Did'nt bother flying with the camera as it aint too good for onboard acro (unless you have a wide angle lens).
Anyway, drop me an email if you want my ATC 2000 camera.
Cheers, Terry
i've got only a 1GB SD-card. With that i can record 30min.
so with the 2GB you can record 1hour ;)
(i think :P)
The best thing of the camera is it's size! It is very small an you need no extra recorder or something else...
the only thing, that is bad, is the quality of the movies. Its like filming with your photocamera!
when you want to make professional movies, forget this camera ;)
in two weeks i'm going to drive to bassano and i will make a short movie. then can you see the result of the camera.
Hi Simon,
Thx for your tip, I understand what you did. But isn't it difficult to focus, or is it just wide with the focus you had?
With the 2GB SD-card, on the best resolution, for how long can you record continually?
What is the best/worst things about the camera?
Did you buy any extra bundles? If how did you like that?
As soon (if) I get the answer I'll post it here.
Vertical greetings -Mickey- ;)
i bought the ATC 2K actioncam a few days ago.
Ok the quali isn't the best one, but for me its ok.
Mickey Mouse you wrote that with the wide-angle. that would be great!
i took a wide-angle lense an fixed it with a tape on the camera! (do you understand? ;))
cheers Simon
Hi again [edit is there no possibilities to edit?
The link I put out yesterday that i got from Titi (Michel Macquet) was wrong, the correct one is:
and if you write Titi (He's registerd here) he can give you a code to get a discount, that also goes for the biotech-helmets he promotes
I've sendt a mail to the ATC2K asking if it is possible to change the lens, or get one custom made with a wide-angle. If I get a response I will put it here on the forum.
Vertical greetings -Mickey- ;)
Are there any videos online where I could see these action cams original resolution, not the crappy youtube quality...
Hi there,
Any comments on this Camera called the ATC2K? I got the link from my Belgian friend Filip Peremans some days ago. What about the lines X*Y Jason? is that enough? and Jason why did U say don't get the SD version, is there any issues?
http://www.atc2k.com/ same at http://www2.oregonscientific.com/shop/browse.asp?cid=30&scid=127
And i just got this link from Titi (Michel Macquet) while telling me about his last vid, but the cam is more advanced I guess? http://www2.oregonscientific.com/shop/browse.asp?cid=30&scid=127
If the links don't work, you have to do like Jason says- cut'n paste.
Vertical greetings -Mickey- ;)
Yeh thats the one im thiking of, think I will pick that one up, my Budget is a little low at the minute! :-)
Anyone know a really good one to go with a proper cam corder? My mate is a little more posh with his gadgets and wants one with a good lens.
I think that was the camera Patrick was talking about in the comments below ;-)
Looks like a decent enough bullet cam.. defo value for money.
Breaking news...
I was wrong - there IS now and SD card camera worth buying! £100 and it can film at 640x480 and can take a 2MB SD card
Here's the link..
(you'll need to cut and paste the above link removing the space between / and D)
I'm gonna get one and I'll post the results on my website.
Don't get the SD card version yet they're not good enough at the moment.
I have three bullet cams and they are all 520 lines and I've bought them from actioncameras and rfconcepts, both good online stores.
My advice is to buy a number of lenses. You can get fish-eye, several differnet wide-angle and normal.
A moderate wide andle is good so that you can get a lot in the shot but too much power on the lens and everything looks too small.
The mistake NOT to make is to use bullet cams all the time... If you watch my film AirDrenaline you'll see me and Arjan tried to mix it up with Air-to-Air shots filmed with the video camera and a little bit of zoom. You can't zoom a helmet cam and air-to-air shots are much better filmed without them.
Take lots of velcro and insulating tape... You'll need these to rig up various mounts and angels and the tape is invaluable. Once you have your set up running and recording, tape up all the switches, leads and connections so that nothing can turn-off or disconnect. Trust me I have taken a lot of "great footage" only to find that there was a loose conection somewhere and I got nothing. Better to put a 60 minute video tape in your recorder and get it set up and recording then get ready to launch. If you have 10 mins of pre-launch that you can throw away that's better than to worry about saving a few minutes of recording time a trusting the connections and switches on you equipment not to move when you are pulling Gs.. insulating tape- insulating tape and more insulating tape is the way forward. Buy several rolls of electrical insulating tape ... you can't have too much of it for taping up all the connectors, switches battery packs and leads!
This I know from experience.
Good luck filming.
Jason Andrews
already got it, thanx a lot!
hi, not sure what the make is its just called an action camera ATC-2000, you can find the quality on youtube if you search for ATC-2000.
heres a link to a page on it,
Action Camera
patrick, can you give me the brand and model?
Thanks for the info, i was looking at one that is waterproof and stores all of the data in the bullet cam itself with an SD card so no wires either.
But i think having it like that must have a negative side it costs 150 euros so not sure if its worth it, it is 600x400 pixels which is ok.
in Norway they were selling some kind of stuff (brand name is rec it, the quality
was ok. The norwegian TV uised it as well, we checked it.
I advise dont pay more than 400 euros for any bulletcam...
Hi, me and my friend are heading off to Turkey for 3 weeks with our twisters and wondered what is the best bullet cam for showing acro.
I wondered if Pal and you guys go for really good quality ones or whether it isnt that important to buy an expensive one to get good enough footage.